Page 117 of When She Belongs
"You keep offering up your pet, and I know he's the only bargaining chip you have. You, uh, want to try talking to your male first, though?" When I give him a blank look, he continues. "He's not exactly a pauper. He brought a lockbox full of credits on board to help with the rescue."
"You mean he has enough for limbs? Already?" I thought he was saving up.
Alyvos snorts. "He's got enough for three sets of limbs. I don't know how he's so keffing loaded."
"People leave their stuff in their ships," I say absently, thinking of Jerrok. I knew he'd brought his savings with him on the ship, but I thought he was still in the process of saving up. I thought that maybe with that combined money and the sale of Sleipnir, we could maybe, maybe afford to replace one arm or whichever limb is bothering him the most.
It's clear I don't know the first thing about alien money.
It's also clear that I need to talk to Jerrok. Pronto.70JERROKSophie's in a pensive mood at dinner. Her laughter is as sweet as ever, and she seems to eagerly listen to everything the others speak of, but she pokes at her noodles and ends up offering most of it to Sleipnir. She seems deep in thought every time she looks at me, and it makes my heart clench in my chest with worry.
Is this what I've feared, then? Has she decided that my station is too quiet for her after all? She's given me no indication that she's unhappy in the last few days. We've actually been happier than I thought possible. Every night, we sleep together and enjoy each other's bodies, and every day, we're together. Just knowing she's mine fills me with such…joy. Such peace. I haven't had a nightmare in ages.
Sophie makes all the wounded parts of my soul better again. I thought I did the same for her, but now I worry I've overlooked something. That someone has said or done something to hurt her sensitive feelings and now she's in pain. Or maybe she doesn't feel well? I study her, looking for signs of sickness, and when she gets up to get another drink, I discreetly sniff her noodles in case the taste is off.
She catches me smelling her food and gives me a puzzled look as she sits back down.
"Just making sure it tastes all right," I whisper to her. "You're not eating much. Do you want to trade?" I offer her my bowl, though I've probably eaten far too much already.
Sophie's expression changes to something soft and sweet, and she leans in and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "I'm fine. Really. I'm just thinking. Can we talk later?"
"Of course."
She smiles at me and laces her fingers with mine, resting them on my thigh. Her attention turns toward Cat, who's telling a ridiculous story about Tarekh losing a bet over whether or not his hand would fit inside a fuel processing pipe. It did not, apparently, and everyone roars with laughter by the time Cat finishes the story. I smile appreciatively, though I can't say what the story was about more than that. I just keep thinking about my Sophie and what's troubling her.
Her burdens are my burdens, and I want to help, whatever it is.
I'm relieved when Iris yawns, and Alyvos takes that as a cue to hustle his mate off to bed. The others begin to peel off, and when Sophie looks over at me, I nod. I'm more than ready to go to our quarters and be alone with her and just unwind from the day. We say our goodbyes to the others, and I put a hand at the small of her back, ushering her down the halls of the Jabberwock toward crew quarters.
"I can feel your circuits twitching through my clothing," she tells me. "You should have said something."
I glance down at the hand I have on her back and sure enough, a cable is jumping under my skin, sending vibrations through the limb. I'm so used to the small jolts and irritations that I don't notice them half the time. "I didn't realize."
Sophie casts me a worried look as we step through the door into our chamber.
I open my mouth to say something when Sleipnir headbutts the back of my knee and I nearly collapse, thanks to the constant sliding.
"Jerrok!" Sophie reaches for me, her eyes wide with alarm.
"I'm fine," I growl, holding onto the doorframe. I glare at the carinoux, but it only makes that dismissive cough in its throat and hops onto the bed, circling three times before plopping down on my side. "Thanks, Sleipnir. I'll remember that the next time I have a table full of fresh scrap."
The carinoux just yawns, showing a mouth full of massive teeth.