Page 116 of When She Belongs
One day when it's quiet, I seek out Alyvos.
No one's said specifically that he was in the same war that Jerrok was in. But Iris has mentioned that Alyvos has nightmares from time to time, and he looks to be about the same age as Jerrok. He's got a limp that's more pronounced as the sliding continues, day after day, and so I suspect he's got a fake limb himself. If he does, his are better than Jerrok's, because I can't tell there's anything prosthetic with him, whereas with Jerrok, there's no hiding it. There's scarring all around his mismatched eyes, my Jerrok, and the limbs he has are covered in “skin” that doesn't quite match his skin tone, and there's massive scarring where they're connected to his tissue. They work like normal limbs, but they're also a little heavier, a little bulkier, like no one cared enough to match the limbs up with his body.
Likely, they didn't care at all, and the thought just enrages me.
But if there's a way to get around the endless misery of Jerrok's prosthetics, Alyvos might know. So one afternoon, when Jerrok is helping Tarekh and Cat fix something in the environmental systems, I head over to the training room. Alyvos is there when he's not with Iris or doing maintenance on his weapons. After a few days of very little to do but watch the crew, I know everyone's patterns.
Alyvos looks up in surprise as I enter the training room. He's doing something that looks a lot like pull-ups, but he's only using one arm, and he's making it look effortless. When he spots me, he swings forward, dropping off the bar and skidding to a halt in front of me. "Everything all right, Sophie?"
I manage a bright smile. "Everything's fine. I just wanted to talk to you about something personal, if you have a moment."
The expression on his face grows wary and he glances at the door. "Should I get Iris—"
I raise a hand, hoping he's not misunderstanding my meaning. "I'm talking about prosthetics. I noticed you limping sometimes, and I didn't know if there was a good way to ask if you had some similar to Jerrok." I inwardly wince at the shuttered look he gives me. "I know it's personal, but I had to ask. His bother him dreadfully and I want to help."
"It IS personal," he agrees in a harsh voice. He picks up a towel and mops at his face. "No one talks about the wars. No one."
Ugh. I've stepped into it, then. "I'm so sorry. Forget I said anything—"
He raises a hand, not looking over at me. "My knee. Not the whole limb, but my knee got keffed and they replaced all of it. Luckily my leg that was blown off landed nearby so they were able to reattach it." He gives me a wintry smile. "That was about the only luck I had in that war."
I stare at him in horror. "I'm so sorry—"
"Don't be. You didn't do it." He leans against a piece of equipment and gives me a curious look. "I can't help you with that, though. My knee isn't like Jerrok's replacements. That's a whole different handful of sticks, as the gamblers like to say."
"Mess of worms," I murmur absently, comparing it to a human saying. "I understand. It was worth a try, though. Thank you—"
"I know a guy, though." He towels at his sweaty hair. "A trader on 3N that has connections."
"3N?" I ask politely.
"Three Nebulas. It's a big station. Lots of trade going through there, of all kinds. He was able to get me a connection that got Iris her visor." Alyvos nods at me. "Does a fair market on replacement prosthetics, too, all of them much higher quality than what your male is wearing."
My heart leaps in my throat. "That's exactly what I need." I memorize the name of the station. Three Nebulas. "Can you get me in contact with him somehow?"
His flat refusal makes me flinch. "Oh."
"I'm not saying no to be a prick, Sophie." He wipes at his hands absently, shaking his head. "Zakoar of the Broken Back won't see anyone without proof that they have the credits up-front."
"I see."
"It's nice of you to try and get new limbs for him, Sophie, but are you aware how much they cost?"
"A lot. I know that much." I hesitate again. "And I'll have the carinoux, provided we don't need him for ransom…" Just saying it makes me choke, though, and I want to vomit. I think of Sleipnir's trusting face, all craggy with teeth that he's never, ever used on me. I think of how excited he gets when I appear, or when he gets his head scratched just so. How can I give him away for money? Then again, how can I not if it's the difference between a life of constant pain and misery and one of good health for Jerrok?