Page 58 of Arrogant Heir (The Heirs 2)
Uncle Lake grips my shoulder. “Jase, it’s not up to you. Logan and Mia are talking to Mila right now. It’s Mila’s choice to make.”
“Is that why you called me out of the office?” I snap angrily.
I spin around and start to stalk back to the boardroom, but Uncle Lake darts around me, and pressing a hand to my chest, he forces me to stop. “It’s Mila’s decision, Jase. You need to calm down. This is not about how you feel.” He lets out a deep breath. “And honestly, I think it would do her good. Not every victim gets an apology. It might help her find closure.”
I glare at my uncle, not one bit happy.
But he’s right. It is Mila’s decision to make.
Walking toward the boardroom, I suck in a deep breath of air, and I don’t know what I’m going to do if Mila agrees to see that fucker.
Entering the office space, my eyes immediately lock on Mila. She still looks calm, and it makes me wonder whether her parents spoke with her about Justin.
Sitting down, I reach for Mila’s hands where they’re resting on her lap, and I give them a squeeze.
Uncle Lake sits down, and looking at Mila, he says, “The Green’s will be here in fifteen minutes. Have you decided whether you’ll meet with them, Mila?”
“No, I haven’t.” She pulls her hands free from beneath mine and reaches for her bottled water.
She’s actually thinking about it?
Leaning forward, I tilt my head to her so I can catch her eyes, and once she looks at me, I say, “You don’t have to.”
“I know.” She gives me a reassuring smile. “But I want to put this ordeal behind me. Whether I face him in court or here, I’ll have to at some point.”
Fuck. This isn’t right.
I shake my head and slump back in my chair.
Mila shifts in her chair, and lifting her chin higher, she looks like a powerful goddess as she says, “I’ll meet with Justin.”
And for the first time, I feel like the weak one.Chapter 24MILAMy heart has gone from thundering in my chest to nothing more than a whisper as my eyes lock onto Justin.
And I’m back, lying broken on the cold ground.
I draw in a deep breath of air and clench my teeth as I fight for control over my frail nerves.
Jase’s hand covers mine, and he grips them tightly.
You’re safe, Mila. Jase and your parents are here.
Justin can’t hurt you again.
The Green’s and their attorney take a seat, then the Attorney speaks, “I’m Adam Caruso, and I’m representing Mr. Justin Green.” He rests his hands on the table, and looking at me, he offers, “In the light of what happened, we have a settlement we’d like to propose to you, Miss West.”
Justin sits forward and places his hand on Mr. Caruso’s arm, and my eyes get stuck on it.
I feel his fingers squeeze my breast. I feel them slip over the sensitive flesh between my legs.
And a blessed numbness cloaks me.
Feeling dead inside, I lift my eyes to Justin as he says, “Can I please have a moment before you start discussing business?”
Business? That’s what my pain has been reduced to?
Everyone turns their eyes to me.
Breathe, Mila. Just breathe.
Not removing my gaze from Justin, I reply, “You have one minute.”
“Thank you,” Justin says. “I want to apologize to you, Mila.”
For almost raping me? Do you really think there are any words on this planet that will make up for that?
“I know nothing I say will make it better. What I did to you was nothing short of vile.”
Justin clears his throat, and it looks like he’s struggling to keep his composure, and it has a frown forming on my forehead.
“I never imagined my biggest mistake would be your greatest trauma. I want you to know I’m receiving counseling. To be honest, I tried to deny any memories of attacking you the day after it happened. I couldn’t face the horrendous fact that I hurt you. I’ve done something immensely wrong, and I’ll forever live with the guilt.”
And I’ll live with the shame. The looks. The whispers.
Jase pries my trembling hands apart and links his fingers with my right hand. His grip is firm, and I let myself draw strength from him.
Justin takes a moment, and then a tear slips down his cheek, and his voice is hoarse as he continues, “I’m not asking for your forgiveness. I want you to know how much I regret my actions of that night. I’m willing to accept whatever punishment is dealt to me. I’ll continue receiving counseling.”
Justin’s eyes lock with mine. “You were nothing but kind to me. You made it clear you weren’t interested in a relationship with me. I forced myself on you and repeatedly chose to ignore you when you told me to stop. I won’t blame being drunk that night. I’m taking full responsibility for my actions.”