Page 57 of Arrogant Heir (The Heirs 2)
God, I’m going to miss this.
His voice has a way of getting through to me like no other. It has the power to chase the fear away.
Two weeks ago, I was adamant about putting distance between us, and now he’s everything to me.
It will be so hard when I have to let him go because he’ll probably return to his playboy ways soon.
We take the elevator up to the top floor. When the doors slide open, a receptionist greets us from behind her desk, “Mr. Reyes, Miss West, Mr. Cutler is waiting in the main boardroom for you.”
Jase nods in her direction. He leads me down a stylish corridor and into a room with a large oval mahogany desk with chairs situated around it.
My dad instantly gets up from where he was sitting next to Mr. Cutler and quickly walks over to me. “My beautiful girl,” he smiles lovingly as he draws me into a hug.
My heart kicks up a little faster, but with all the practice I’ve had, I don’t let anyone pick up on my anxiety as I hug my father back.
“I missed you,” I mumble against his shoulder.
When he pulls away and holds me at shoulder length so he can look me over, I smile a little wider.
I see the worry fade from his eyes, and knowing I’ve convinced one parent, I turn to my mom and hug her tightly.
My stomach shrinks, but I force myself to be as normal as possible. “Hey, mamma,” I whisper.
She pulls back a little, and placing her hand on my left cheek, she presses a kiss to my right. “How do you feel?”
“I’m great,” I lie. “I’m all caught up with school work.”
Mom’s eyes dart to Jase, and then he confirms, “Mila’s much better.”
I go to say hello to Mr. Cutler while Jase greets my parents, and then we each take a seat. I end up sitting between Mom and Jase while Dad and Mr. Cutler sit across from us.
Mr. Culter has a camera situated on the desk, and gesturing toward it, he asks, “Are you okay with us recording this meeting, Mila?”
“Yes, Sir.” I shift in my chair while Mr. Cutler presses record.
“Can you state your full name to the camera, please?”
“Mila West.” My tongue darts out, and I wet my dry lips.
Mr. Cutler gives me a comforting smile. He has the same calm nature as Hana, and it sets me a little at ease.
“In your own words, can you tell us what happened the night of September twenty-fifth?”
Sucking in a deep breath, I square my shoulders and grip my hands together under the table as I do my best to detach myself from my memories. I clear my throat before I robotically repeat what happened.
When I’m done, I suck in a slow breath.
Mr. Cutler glances at the papers in front of me and asks, “Did you consume any alcohol on the night in question?”
My eyes dart to my dad before I nod. “I had one drink. I wasn’t aware it had alcohol in it until I drank it.” Feeling I need to explain more, I add, “It was an acquaintance's drink.”
“Did you take any form of drug substance?”
I shake my head, and when Mr. Cutler’s eyes lift to mine, I say, “No, I didn’t.”
The questions keep coming, and it’s becoming increasingly harder to distance myself from the nightmare.
I reach for a bottle of water and swallow some down while I will my heart to remain strong.
I just need to get through today without anyone picking up on the fact that it’s all an act.
You can do this, Mila.
You can do it for Jase and your family.
Hold out.JASEMila looks calm as she answers one question after the other.
My eyes go to Mrs. West, and I see the relief written all over her face. Mr. West has a constant loving smile on his face where he sits across from us, his eyes not leaving Mila for a second.
Uncle Lake glances at me, and then he gives me a look that has me frowning. It’s as if he’s trying to convey something to me.
“Let’s take a break,” Uncle Lake says. He locks eyes with me before he excuses himself. “I’ll be right back.”
I push my chair away from the table and get up. “I’ll be back in five minutes.”
Mila nods and relaxes in her chair.
Once I step out of the boardroom, I follow Uncle Lake down the hallway until we’re out of hearing distance.
“What’s up?” I ask as he turns to face me.
“I’ve already spoken to the West’s about it. The Greens and their attorney will be here soon. Justin has requested to speak with Mila. He wants to apologize.”
“Fuck, no,” I snap, then I realize I just cursed in front of my uncle. “Sorry, Uncle Lake, but no. There’s no way I’m letting him near her.”