Page 62 of Rebel (Wolfes of Manhattan 1)
“More than you’ve got, living out here.”
“I knew you were dirty.” Rock snickered. “I’ve got way more than my mother, who I’m pretty sure is the brains behind this stupidity.”
“Don’t insinuate—”
“Please. This lady is a lawyer and a damned good one. She’d never get involved in killing my father on any level. How much did my mother pay you?”
The deputy sighed and unlocked my handcuffs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure, you don’t.” Once I was free of the cuffs, Rock continued. “Step back, Lacey.”
“Rock, I—”
“Step back,” he said again, this time more commanding.
“You know I’m calling for backup as soon as I get back into my car.”
“Do I look like a moron to you? Of course you will. And whoever comes this way will get an earful about how you were bribed.”
“That’s your word against mine.”
“I think I’ll get them to see my side of things,” Rock said. “Depends on how much of a chance you want to take.”
“Lacey, I’m not going to say it again. Get in the cabin.”
Anger swirled within me. Who the hell did he think he was? “I’m not going anywhere. This clearly involves me more than it does you.”
“Look,” the deputy said. “Let’s just call it a day, okay? I won’t call for backup. Forget I was ever here.”
Rock chuckled, still holding the gun. “I won’t forget it, Deputy”—he eyed the cop’s name badge—“Gore. I’ll have your badge. Now get the fuck out of here.”
He walked slowly to his car, never taking his gaze from Rock, got in, and drove away.
Rock turned to me. “Are you all right?”
My heart hammered. “Please, Rock. Put down the gun.”
“Sorry.” He laid the pistol on the ground. Do guns scare you?”
“Not as a rule, but you scared me, Rock. You pulled a gun on an officer of the law.”
“He was dirty, Lace. I’ve been around this block more than a few times. I’ve seen dirty cops before, and he had the look. I swear to you.”
“He may have been dirty, but you still just pulled a gun on him. You could be arrested.”
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll just call Reid and have him take care of all of it. You’d be amazed what money can buy. I didn’t learn much this first week at my new position, but I sure as hell learned that.” He pulled out his cellphone and soon was talking to his brother.
I sat down on one of the redwood Adirondack chairs on his front porch, my heart still thundering. What had just happened here? Someone tried to have me arrested for accessory to Derek Wolfe’s murder. I’d been home alone when the crime occurred.
I knew that.
But no one else did.
I lived alone. I had no alibi.
Nausea welled within me. If someone chose to push this…
But he was killed with a gun. I didn’t own a gun. Had never even shot a gun. The sight of Rock wielding a pistol still made me feel sick. He’d been protecting me, and I loved him for it, but he’d probably made things worse for both of us.
He returned in about ten minutes. “Reid is on it. Deputy Gore will be unemployed within the hour.”
I nodded numbly.
“You sure you’re okay, Lace?”
I gulped. “No. I’m not sure of anything at all right now.”
“Hey. We’ll hop on my bike and disappear if you want. All you have to do is say the word.”
I stared at him. “What?”
“I mean it. I’ll make it happen. Neither of us has to deal with any more of this bullshit.”
“But your brothers. Your sister. My law firm.”
“I love my siblings, but I don’t know them. I’ve been away too long. Roy has his art. Reid will bounce back in no time. The man’s a genius businessman. And Riley…well, she doesn’t want to be found right now, according to my brothers. As much as I want to help her, there’s nothing I can do.”
“But the company…”
“Will be sold. I get it. I’ve always gotten it, but…” His eyes softened. “You’re more important than all of that.”
Had I heard him right? “What?” I said again.
“I know. I can’t believe it myself. And I hope you don’t turn around and run away when I tell you this, but I’m in love with you, Lacey. I’m totally and completely in love with you.”43RockElation filled me, as if a giant cement block had been lifted off my shoulders. How could professing love to a woman make me feel so light inside? So happy? So completely fulfilled?
All I knew was, when that dirty deputy had cuffed her and she paled with fear, I was ready to do anything—anything—to protect her, to keep her out of harm’s way.
I loved her. I totally loved her.
She hadn’t said it back. She just stared at me, her eyes wide.
I wanted to hear her say the words, but even more, I wanted her to feel them.