Page 61 of Rebel (Wolfes of Manhattan 1)
I wasn’t sure I had it in me to actually do a relationship. I’d been holding back. I knew that. I wanted her so much, ached for her…
Loved her.
I fucking loved this woman who I’d known for so little time.
I opened my mouth to actually say the words, but before I could, a police car drove up.42LaceyWarmth coursed through me. Rock was staring at me with something new in his eyes. The lust, yes, but something almost…reverent.
I shivered, tensed, and shivered again, until he opened his mouth.
“What the…?” he said.
I turned. A police car drove slowly up Rock’s cobblestone driveway. My heart sank. We’d been about to have a moment. I was sure of it.
I sighed. Probably something to do with his father’s murder. But why here in Montana? The crime had occurred in New York.
“Wait here,” Rock said and walked toward the squad car.
A uniformed deputy stepped out. “Mr. Wolfe? Rock Wolfe?”
“Yes, that’s me. What can I do for you?”
“We’re looking for a Lacey Ward.”
My stomach dropped. What did they want with me?
“Is that her?” the officer asked.
“Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t,” Rock said. “What do you want with her?”
“She’s wanted for questioning in a murder case in New York. We’ve been asked to make sure she returns to New York right away.”
“I’m Lacey Ward,” I said, approaching. “Unless you’re here to arrest me, you can tell the department in New York that I’ll be back on Tuesday.”
“We’re not here to arrest you, ma’am, but apparently you’ve become a person of interest in the murder of Derek Wolfe.”
“That’s my father,” Rock said. “Lacey had nothing to do with anything. You heard her. She’ll be back on Tuesday, and I’m sure she’ll cooperate with the NYPD at that time.”
“Ma’am, they need to talk to you right away.”
“Have they heard of a phone?”
“They’ve asked—”
I held up my hand to stop his words. “I won’t be talking to anyone without an attorney present, and I won’t be able to get counsel until Tuesday anyway, since this is a holiday weekend.”
“Listen,” Rock said. “Lacey here is an attorney herself, and I know a setup when I see it. This has my mother written all over it.”
“Your mother?” I said.
“Yeah. Connie’s trying to pull something here. She got the NYPD to call the county sheriff out here to harass us. I haven’t quite figured out why yet. I already agreed to give her the money she wanted. After all, she was married to the louse.”
“Look,” the deputy said. “All I know is I’m supposed to get you back for questioning.”
“Not without arresting me,” I said adamantly.
“You heard the lady,” Rock said.
“Then I’ll have to arrest you.”
“On what grounds?”
“Accessory to murder.”
My mouth dropped open. “What?”
“You heard me, ma’am.” He pulled out his handcuffs. “You have the right to remain silent—”
“This is bullshit,” Rock said. “Who paid you off? My mother?”
“Are you suggesting I’ve been bribed, sir?”
“That’s exactly what I’m suggesting. Whatever she paid you, I’ll double it. Lacey had nothing to do with any of this.”
“He’s right. I drew up Derek Wolfe’s will,” I said. “That’s it. Ask anyone. You have no probable cause to arrest me on any grounds.”
“You look like a nice person,” he said. “I’m just doing my job.”
My heart beat like rapid thunderclaps against my sternum. Why was this happening? Numbly, I held out my hands. As the cuffs clicked in place, I held back a heave.
“You have the right to remain silent,” he said again. “Anything you choose to say can and will be held against you. You have the right to an attorney. If you can’t afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. Do you understand these rights as I’ve stated them?”
“Uncuff her.” Rock’s low voice came from behind me.
The deputy’s eyes widened and his eyebrows nearly flew off his forehead.
I turned.
Rock was pointing a pistol right at the deputy. When had he gone in to get it? I’d been so busy freaking out over the potential arrest, I hadn’t noticed.
“Sir, put that gun down.”
“I will not. Uncuff her. She’ll be back in New York on Tuesday. Until then, she’s not going anywhere.”
“I’ll have to arrest both of you, then.”
“You’re funny. Give it your best shot. I’m the one holding the gun here.”
The deputy twitched his hand slightly.
“Don’t even think about going for your own,” Rock said. “I’ll have a bullet in your shoulder before you’re halfway there.”
“Rock,” I said swiftly. “Think about what you’re doing here.”
I said no more. I didn’t want to give the deputy any more ideas. Although there were no grounds for arresting me, Rock had just given them grounds to arrest him.
Pulling a gun on a cop. What was he thinking?
“Lacey is as innocent as a lamb. Now what’s it going to take for you to walk out of here and pretend no one was home?”