Page 11 of His Pumpkin Pie
Not that I have room to talk because my dating life is nonexistent. “Maybe we’ll become spinsters and have twenty cats,” I offer.
“You have no idea how much I want that dream to become a reality.” Cookie giggles and then sighs. We’ve always wanted a kitten, but Mom and Dad are allergic.
“You know you want the happily ever after and a house full of babies.” I nudge her shoulder.
“We can’t always get what we want.” Her words are filled with sadness, and my heart sinks for her.
Fuck Jarret. All the girls wanted him when we were in high school, but he went after Cookie and ripped her self-esteem apart in the process. All because of that fuckface Jarret she tries to hide herself. She tries to put on a good face, but I know better. The shit he said to her still burns deep inside, and no matter how men look at her now or try to engage, she shuts them down.
Jarret told the whole school he took her virginity, which is not only fucked up because it’s private, but also insane because it wasn’t true. He said he “popped her cherry,” telling everyone he made her bleed. I thought it was only fair that I made him bleed too. I glance down at my right index finger, and there's still a small scar there if I really look. I sucker punched him right in the face and was shocked I did it. It was out of character for me, but I guess when you mess with my family, my dark side comes out.
Of course no one ever found out about it because Jarret told people his sister opened the door and nailed him right in the face. He didn't want anyone knowing that a girl dropped his ass.
“What shall we wear for our date?” Cookie asks she goes over to my closet and looks through all my clothes.
“It’s not a date, it’s only dessert and coffee. I can’t skip family dinner—I’ve missed too many already being away.”
“Oh, I’m sure the two of you will work something out.” She winks at me and then hands me a red wrap dress that ties in the front.
I’ve never worn it before, but when I put it on and look in the mirror, all I can think about is how easily Miller could untie it. One tug would reveal everything under it.
“You’re a grown woman, Pumpkin. You can spend the night out.”
“But then I’d hear about it all day tomorrow.”
“Enough orgasms might make up for it.”
I snort a laugh, but she’s not wrong. Miller is the first man to make me feel true desire. What is so wrong with exploring that? He’s nothing like some of the men others have tried to set me up with. We work hard for everything we have, and we do it as a family, and I need to be with someone who understands that.
If Miller wants to see where this is going, then I want him to know that I’m just me, and I don't want to try to be something I’m not.Chapter EightMillerWhen my driver pulls up to the front of her house, I wave him off and open my own door. The house is modest but in a nice neighborhood that looks to have a lot of families around them. I walk to the front door and raise my hand to knock, but it’s jerked open wide before my knuckles can make contact.
“What are you doing here?” Pumpkin hisses at me, and although she looks surprised and a little angry, she’s stunning.
“Krasota.” I call her “beauty” in Russian and she pauses as her eyebrows pull together.
“It’s Pumpkin, or did you forget?” She tries to come outside with me and close the door behind her, but the door is tugged open once again.
“I could never forget you,” I whisper in her ear as several people appear all at once.
“Whoa, he’s big,” a young woman—Cookie, I’m guessing—says as she steps forward.
“And early.” Pumpkin looks at the phone in her hand and then up at me. “You didn’t even ask where I lived.”
I point over my shoulder and Wyatt waves from the driver's seat.
“Oh,” is all she says as I step forward to greet her family.
“I am Miller Ranov, I’m here to take Pumpkin for a dessert.” I hold out my hand to her mother, and she takes it as she looks at her daughters with wide eyes.
“I’m Rose, it’s nice to meet you.”
I extend my hand to her father next as he introduces himself. “You can call me Winter, and this is our other daughter Cookie.”
“I’ve heard much about you,” I say to her and bow my head.
“I’m sure it was all lies.” She elbows Pumpkin in the side, and Pumpkin hisses something back at her.
“We should go.” Pumpkin takes me by the arm, but I’m rooted to the spot.