Page 10 of His Pumpkin Pie
“How many more meetings do we have scheduled today?” I grumble as I grab one of the sandwiches.
I scowl at Frost, and I see a smile tug at the corner of his mouth. He’s enjoying this way too much.
My cell phone vibrates, and I look down to see a text from Pumpkin. I try to hide my excitement as I unlock and read the message.* * *Pumpkin: Made it home safe, thanks for checking on me!
Me: Are you free tonight for dinner?* * *I send the text without a second thought. I already know I want to see her again, and although we will be in meetings for hours, I need to have this settled before I’m finished. As I wait, I see the bubbles come up on the screen and then disappear like she’s typing but changing her mind. After what feels like an eternity, she finally sends a message back.
Pumpkin: I’m sorry, I have plans with my family.
My heart sinks, but I refuse to give up.
Me: Dessert? A late drink? Midnight stroll? Sunrise coffee?
My foot taps nervously as I wait for a response, and when it finally comes, I can’t read it fast enough.
Pumpkin: I’m not sure…
What are the dots? Why is she not sure? Did she not enjoy her time with me on the plane? She asked me to spend Thanksgiving with her family, and now she’s playing coy? Just then another text comes in from Wyatt with her address, and I can feel my sinister smile growing. All right, little Pumpkin, play hard to get.
Me: You will have dessert with me tonight. I will pick you up at nine o’clock. Wear a dress.
This time the response comes quickly.
Pumpkin: Okay.
I smile as I place my phone on my desk and look over at Frost, who has probably been watching me the entire time. He shakes his head at me as he eats his lunch and Vera calls in to tell us it’s time for our next meeting.
Perhaps today will turn out much better than I had anticipated.Chapter SevenPumpkinI toss my phone onto the bed like it’s a hot stone burning my skin.
“I said yes,” I tell Cookie in a panic, and her eyebrows rise but she sure as hell doesn't ask why I’ve had this change of heart. My voice is higher than it should be, so she knows something is up, and I’m trying to play it off. “I don’t even know this guy. He could be a killer searching for someone to cut his magazines into pieces and make ransom notes to send to the police. Or you know, become his next victim.”
“That would be stupid of him. First he demands to sit next to you so that asshole will leave you alone. Then he gets your phone number—if he didn't want to see you he wouldn't have asked for it. I say he’s more than interested, and he might be letting you lead. Some men don’t want to be pushy. I mean, look at how he dealt with that prick on the plane.”
“Is it terrible that kind of turned me on?” I ask sheepishly.
“Nope. He could just be obsessed with you.” I stop pacing to look at her. “Not like, murder-you obsessed.” She rolls her eyes at me like I’m the crazy one. “I think this is the sexy kind where he can’t keep his hands off you and he’s always calling and texting.”
“Are you trying to scare me or reassure me?” I push the obsession thing to the back of my mind. That’s not going to happen because we’re opposite in every way. Especially when it comes to appearances. I’m not saying I’m ugly, I’m just not on his level. At this very moment I’m wearing a shirt that says Dr. Pepper on it and leggings with ripped-up shorts over them. I changed when I got back home because here I can be me.
I saw how the airline attendants looked at us as I was sitting there with him. They could tell by looking at us we were not really a couple, or maybe they were jealous he was staring at me. The man was attentive to my every need, and he hadn’t given anyone else a glance the whole time he was talking to me.
“You’ll be fine. I’m sure he’ll take you somewhere nice. If worse comes to worst, text me and I’ll pick you up after you sneak out of the back door to the place.”
“That’s really rude to just disappear on someone.” Or maybe I’m just projecting because that once happened to me with someone I met on a dating app. I deleted the app because I didn't need that shit in my life.
“Trust me, some of them deserve more than being skipped out on during dinner.” She rolls her eyes, and I hate that jerkface for making my sister throw in the towel on dating. She used to be the boy crazy one until Jarret stomped all over her heart.