Page 30 of Quasim: King Inferno
“I told him that I have a business and clients. I cannot go follow him on tour.” I waved the conversation off because going on tour with Zay was out of the question.
“Be honest… if you didn’t have your business, would you have gone with him?” Zoya questioned, while Capri eyed me down for my answer.
“Probably… I have fun whenever me and Zay are together. We’re cool peoples.”
Capri sipped her drink. “Cool peoples, Blair? That man wants to be your boyfriend, and you calling him cool peoples.”
I snorted. “He actually called me his girl when he was on the phone at dinner. I don’t know… how do you respond to something like that?”
“Don’t respond to it until you know how or what you feel. I know you’re not completely over Quasim. Zay seems like a good person, so don’t go wasting his time because you’re unsure.”
“I agree. Take it from me… being involved with two men only leads to headaches and unresolved feelings that you eventually have to resolve.”
I took back the shot the bartender had slid in front of me and sighed. “Can we talk about something else… like Zoya not going to Bali with us.”
Zoya squealed, laughing in the process. “Not you throwing me under the bus because you don’t know who you wanna love.”
“Zoy!” I pinched her.
Capri cut her eyes at Zoya. “And you’re not going because?”
“You know I have that case with Dane Amanté… with the amount of money he’s spending, this case is priority right now.”
“You’re excused,” Capri laughed.
I looked over at Zoya as she texted someone on her phone. “Have you spoken to Gerald?”
She heaved a sigh and placed her phone down. “Me and Gerald don’t talk at all. I still receive my roses every Tuesday. I’m so confused with him, though. All he spoke about when he was free was wanting to marry me and give me his chocolate babies, and now that he’s locked up, it’s crickets… I can’t believe I’m saying this… I miss that damn man.”
Capri nearly jumped off the stool. “I knew you were sweet for Mr. Fuck you meannnn,” she hollered, and Zoya pulled her ass back down in the seat.
“Cut her the fuck off… how many drinks have you had?” Zoya laughed.
I looked at Zoya and I could tell she was sweet on Goon. What was there not to like about Gerald. He was a good, respectful man that probably had a few screws missing. He was a provider, protector, and he was funny as hell.
It was never a dull moment with that man.
“Well, you said he wanted a fair advantage when he got out.”
“He doesn’t want you to feel like you’re obligated to hold him down… plus, he knows about your lil yeah, and that’s a problem for him.” Capri filled us in.
Zoya rolled her eyes. “Me and Sigel are not together, but we’re together if that makes any sense.”
“And we know that Menace doesn’t want you with him.”
“Menace is my brother, not my father. He swears that he can tell me who to be with and I’m going to do it. Kora may listen to him and follow his every word… that’s not me. Honestly, my brother needs to find him a woman so he can mind his own business.”
“Your brother finding a woman is very unlikely. I would probably murder myself day one.” I chuckled.
I had met Menace a few times and the man was an intense lunatic that needed everything perfect. I often wondered how the hell Jeffie was able to handle him and do so with such poise and grace. It was no skin off her back when that man started to unravel. She was able to calm him and get him back levelheaded.
Zay: I’m gonna try and have a positive mind.
Me: Thank you. He may surprise you.
Zay: You surprise me.
Me: I’m full of them.