Page 29 of Quasim: King Inferno
“I will… make sure you give that producer a chance…ight?” I mocked.
He released me and laughed as he walked around the car, while I stepped up on the curb. “Oh you funny… have fun with your girls. Tell Capri I said what up.”
“I will… drive safe, please. Put that seatbelt on too, Zay.”
“Got you, Beautiful.” He winked as he hopped into the car, and looked over at me, putting the seatbelt on.
I gave him the thumbs up and waved, and he whipped off the block. “Why you want to mess with that lunatic, B?” Yasin questioned.
His question pulled me out the slight trance that I had fallen into. “What are you talking about?”
“You know he here, right?”
Havoc snorted. “You an owl, Blair… who else would be here?”
I walked over toward them and pointed my finger up at them. Even with heels, they both towered over me, especially Havoc. “Why are you both minding my business?”
Yasin handed me the spliff he was pulling on and I accepted it, needing to zone out a little bit. “You mighty dressed up for Fern tonight.”
“I was on a date, and it finished, so I came over here to hang with my best friends… why are you both giving me the third degree?”
“Because we know you love that nigga… and you over here wasting homie’s time. Let him go make his music before Sim have him talking out a hole in his neck.” Havoc shrugged.
“He’s not going to touch him. There would be no reason for him to do that… we’re not even together.”
“You want to be, though.”
“Havoc, when did you become a therapist?” I snapped.
He chuckled. “I just know love when I see it, and the both of you love each other… both too damn stubborn to admit that shit.”
I took another pull of the spliff and handed it back to Yasin. “Seriously, you look nice, B.” Yasin complimented.
I wore a ruffled red asymmetrical dress with gold strappy heels, and a gold clutch. “Red is really your color… any reason you wore it today?” Havoc smirked as I punched him in the arm.
I shook my head as I laughed at him and brought my ass inside the bar. As I walked past the crowd, all eyes were on me as I squeezed through to get inside. Soon as I made it inside, I scanned the bar for Capri and spotted her with Zoya at the other end of the bar.
Zoya spotted me first and clapped her hands. “When I said wear something cute for your date… damn, I didn’t think you were about to shut it down.”
Capri spun around in the stool and her mouth dropped. “Fuck, Blair… I know Zay drooled when he saw you.”
“Was stuck for a whole ten minutes when he picked me up,” I laughed and pretended like I flipped my hair.
Capri and Zoya both slapped hands. “I know that’s right… how was everything? You’re all over the blogs.”
I sat in the empty stool between them. “Surprise surprise.” I sighed.
“Girl, why do you sound sad about it? Zay is the hottest rapper out now… along with Quan, and Maliek Dubrow… being seen with him isn’t a bad thing at all.” Zoya replied and waved the bartender over.
“I’m not saying it’s a bad thing… scary, though.” I admitted.
Capri sipped her drink. “Finding love is scary though, B. You’re the one that told us that this was the year that you were going to find love… you can’t be scared now.”
“He asked me to come on tour with him.”
Zoya choked on her drink. “And you said….”