Page 3 of August

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Page 3 of August

“That’s good. At least we’re on the same page.” She laughed when he did. “I’ll go out first. I’m sure that someone is going to miss us soon. But I’ll make sure that the coast is clear and you can go to the bathroom to fix, while still lovely, fix your hair and makeup so that you don’t have to be embarrassed.”

True to his word, he knocked on the door when she could come out. Racing to the bathroom with her heels in her hand, she went into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. Standing in the stall, Jack sobbed for everything that had happened to her. Putting her hand on her flat tummy, she thought of the possibility that a child could be there.

“Just so you know. If he abandons us, we’ll be just fine. You and I are going to be a team, and no one is going to call you a one-night-stand baby.” She knew that she was talking out of her head and finally got up the courage to go to the mirror. “Not so bad.”

After scrubbing off her makeup, she stared at herself in the mirror. She looked abused, but in a good way. Her lips were swollen, there was a small hickey on her throat that she smiled about, and she’d at some point lost her panties. Not that they were all that much anyway.

Giving herself a good talking to, knowing that August had left the building by now, she opened the door and nearly fell back when the man of the hour was standing there. He pushed her back into the bathroom and kissed her gently on the mouth.

“I thought that you’d be gone.” He told her that he didn’t want to leave without her. “But your brothers. Won’t they be pissed off with you when you tell them…I have no idea what you’d tell them.”

“I told them that I’d gotten hung up and that they were to leave without me. I think that they were ready to go anyway. I’ve ordered us a car. I don’t know where you live, but we’re to meet in the car around the back. That way, no one will see us leaving together.” She asked him if he was going to go back to the party. “No. As I said, I don’t want to be anywhere without you.”

The limo, a sleek black long one, was pulling up as the two of them exited the building. She could have kissed the driver when he tipped his hat at her, asking her if she was ready to leave. He didn’t say a word about how either of them were dressed. August had given her his coat to put over her dress as it had started to rain.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve asked the driver to take us through a drive-thru. I don’t know what it is you feel like, but I could eat about a dozen burgers right now.” She was happy to have something to eat as well and nearly didn’t taste the first burger that she ate.

“I thought you’d be a steak man.” She asked him what his favorite food was when he was out. He told her that he had a brother that was a chef so they were all subject to all kinds of foods. “Do you like salads?”

“Salads? I can eat them. I don’t know that I’d go out of my way to have one. But yeah, I can eat them.” She told him how her mother was forever on her about not eating better. “That’s me too. My sister-in-law, Alex, she’s big on us all eating better. I grab what I can when I can. I seem to be on the move a great deal.”

“I burn a great deal of energy when I’m working. I’m a hands-on kind of boss. My dad is the same way. But he’s retiring soon, and when he does, he’ll leave the business to one of my brothers. I’m the youngest by a lot.” She told him things about her family that she’d not thought of before. “Richard is about as useless as my mom is when it comes to cooking in the kitchen. So, since he’s the oldest, he’ll more than likely take over the business. If that happens, I’m going to leave for greener pastures, so to speak. I don’t mind him getting it but I don’t think that I could work with him and still like him. David is the same way. Not very hands-on.”

“We grew up poor, the six of us. My brother, he played the lottery about once a week and we won a good deal of money.” They talked for what seemed like hours. Even after getting back to her hotel room, not wanting to drive back to her home, she changed into her comfy clothing and sat in the living room suite and talked to him.

She’d never had so much fun as she was tonight. Jack only hoped that she’d been right in saying that it wasn’t going to be a one-night stand. Not with this man.

Chapter 1

After getting to her hotel room, Jacklynn was able to change into some pull-on pants and a comfy sweatshirt. Glad that he could get to know her better, August was heartbroken to have to leave her the next morning.

Christ, she had a body that didn’t quit. August had no idea where that thought had come from. More than likely from Martha Grable. Martha had taught them all how to woo a woman and to be a good companion. She’d be appalled if she were to have seen him last night and then again this morning. He was appalled at himself as well, at least just a little.

“Did you get home all right? I didn’t see you after you told me you got hung up on something.” Demitrius cocked his head and looked at him. “You have a hickey on your neck. What did you do while we were looking for you?” He couldn’t help himself. He smiled.

“I’ve met someone.” He asked him who then asked if it was the woman bartender. “No, she’s much too young for me. But she has an aunt that I met. I told her that I wouldn’t blab about what we’d done. So keep this to yourself.”

“Blab around? What is it—you had sex with someone? At the grand opening?” August asked him to keep his voice down. “Really? You mean you actually hooked up with someone there? I’m impressed. Jealous, too, but mostly impressed with you. I won’t ask you her name, but I’m going to be on the lookout for her.”

“Don’t. Please don’t. I feel stupid enough that we had unprotected sex.” He asked if he’d not listened to the sex ed classes they had in school. Then to Martha when she told them how to be a proper date. “I did. Probably more than you did. But it was as if we were on fire with each other and couldn’t wait. Much less think about it. Then, when I dropped her off at her hotel, we connected more by just talking to each other. It’s like I’ve found my one true love—though I don’t think I’d go that far as yet, but she’s wonderful. Intelligent. Beautiful. Smart. Beautiful.”

“You said beautiful twice. But I get the…the woman in red.” He turned and looked at him, shocked. “You connected to the woman that looked like candy on a stick, didn’t you?” He told his brother he needed to hang out with people more his age. “Don’t evade the question. It was her, wasn’t it?”

“Yes.” Demitrius put out his hand, and he shook it. “But seriously. You can’t tell anyone. I promised her that I’d not tell anyone and I know you well enough that you’d be hounding me all the time until I told you. So, just keep your mouth shut on this.”

“Do you know who she is? Who she’s related to?” He nodded, and his brother did as well. “I know that you’ve had trouble with Blackman Soil in the past, the brothers. What were their names?” He told him. “Yeah, that’s right, Richard and David Blackman. I’m betting right now they’re all over their sister for what happened last night. Not to mention their old man. Christ, he’s as bad as our father was, except for not being a drunk. Isn’t he about to retire soon?”

“Jacklynn told me that if she doesn’t get the head job of running the company, she’s going to branch out on her own. Her brothers haven’t the first clue on how to run a successful company, much less one that does landscaping.” Demitrius told him that he’d heard that about them. And that Richard had a temper. “I remember his temper. If his dad hadn’t stepped in, we would have gone to blows about the way they left me hanging on a project that was supposed to be his trial job. It took me an extra six months before I could get things the way that I wanted them. Not to mention one pissed-off customer. If not for Martha calling them, I’d still be in the red for that building.”

“I remember that. About five years ago now.” August told him it was about that long ago. “Did you ever get the final payment on the job? I remember that, too. The client didn’t want to pay for ashoddy job.”

“Martha again came to my rescue. I think that she kept Blackman and his sons away from me in some ways. I’m all right with that. I nearly quit designing after that.” He asked about the sister. “Nothing like the others. She’s the foreman on some of the job sights that come in. Jacklynn is more of a hands-on boss and works with her men to make sure they know if there’s a problem with something, she can go to bat for them. Mostly, she makes sure that her family stays out of her business.”

The two of them spoke for another hour while they worked out at the gym. He was on the treadmill, and his brother was lifting weights. It was a good way to hang out and a wonderful way to get into shape. He was ashamed to admit it, but he was sore this morning when he’d gotten up.

When his cell phone rang, he was delighted to find that Jacklynn was calling him. Going into the hallway that led into the gym, he asked her if everything was all right. She laughed, a sound that he wanted to get used to hearing.

“I hope you’re as sore as I was when I got up.” He told her that he thought that he’d broken all the muscles in his body. “Good. That does make me feel better. The reason that I called is my father wants to meet with you about future projects. My brothers will be there. I won’t be.”

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