Page 2 of August
“Did anyone ever teach you manners where you’re from?” He said that he didn’t know what was wrong with him and that he had indeed been taught that what he was thinking and feeling wasn’t right. “I don’t even want to know what you’re talking about. I’m just here because my mother told me that if I didn’t come that I’d be blacklisted for other jobs. Now I have the main man of the night ogling me like I’m some sort of plaything that he’d like to get in a dark corner.”
“Don’t.” She asked him what he said. “Don’t talk about dark corners. My mind is centeredenough on figuring out where I can take you to kiss you out of that dress. Christ, and I heard that you were pretty. You’re everything but pretty. You’re the most gorgeous woman that I’ve ever laid eyes on. And that dress? I had no idea that black tie meant that I’d be barely able to control myself. I might well have gone to these a good deal sooner. No, that wouldn’t have worked. You wouldn’t have been there when I was.”
“Are you hitting on me?” He smiled and laughed a little, telling her that he was indeed. “Why? I mean, you’ve gone on about my dress. You can have it if you want to. I don’t particularly care for it or the color. It’s very red.”
“It is at that. And let me be as honest with you as you are to me. I’d rather see you out of the dress than anything that I’ve ever done.” She stared at him and then threw back her head and laughed. He wasn’t sure but he thought that bells were the only thing to come to mind when she laughed again. “You’re very beautiful. I hope you are aware of that. Every man in here is drooling over you. Women, too, I would imagine.”
They talked the entire night. He saw the man that he’d hit, Bill Ward she told him to try to avoid him. But feeling the way that he was, he headed toward the man with Jack on his arm. He asked him if his face hurt.
“Not at all.” He touched his finger to his nose and winced a bit. “I hurt it today. I was just about to come and see who this lovely creature is that is looking about as bored as I was this afternoon when we were talking.”
“It’s Jack.” He took a sip of his water while watching Bill. “You remember her from this afternoon. You were telling me what you think about her ass and lack of makeup. You might not have said the words, but I had a feeling that you found her to be lacking.”
“You said that about me?” Bill nodded, then shook his head. “I’m assuming from your tone that you defended my honor. Thank you for that. But in the future, I fight my own battles.”
He didn’t see her move. One second, she was glaring at Bill. The next, Bill was on the floor with his arm up under him in an odd way. Taking Jack’s hand, he pulled her away from the scene before anyone else noticed and found them a dark room. Christ, if he wasn’t turned on by her before, he certainly was now.
As soon as the door was closed behind them, he pressed her against the door and took her mouth. She was pulling at his tie when he finally found the little snap that held the dress together around her neck. Her breasts, he’d been right; she had nothing on beneath it, spilled into his hands, and he pulled them both up to his mouth.
“Hurry.” He didn’t know if he could move any faster, but when she dropped to her knees in front of him, her lovely body only highlighted by the small light in the plug, he nearly killed himself trying to help her pull his pants off. August nearly fell backward when she took his cock into her mouth and swallowed him past the tightness of her throat.
All she could think about was touching this man. She wanted him to fuck her hard, take her gently, and to eat her as she needed to be taken. Christ, she’d never been so hot for someone as she was this nearly complete stranger. Cupping his balls into her hand, giving them a gentle but firm grasp, she was startled out of her need when he pulled her up from the floor.
“I need to be inside of you.” She nodded and found herself turned with her back to him and leaning over what she thought was a laundry bin. It didn’t matter. Even if it had been the wash tub that she could see, too, she’d let him take her. As he entered her, Jack came. Over and over until she was dizzy with it. “Come again. I need to feel you wrapped around me when I come.”
She slid her fingers into her pussy, making it tighter than it had already been for him. As soon as she slid her finger over his cock head, he leaned over her and took her breasts into his hands. Even as he was coming, both of them making enough noise to wake the dead, she found that she didn’t care so long as this man was giving her all that she needed.
He fucked her through two more mind-blowing releases. Her body, her breasts especially, weretender and well-loved. As he turned her around, pulling out of her pussy long enough to enter her again, she leaned heavily on him as he lifted her up from the floor.
This time their fucking, no other word for what they were doing, was tender. He was softer, easier on her body. She came so many times, each one of them taking her breath away while he fucked her. She was going to be sore tomorrow and found that she didn’t care at all.
“I wondered what your tat looked like.” She grinned at him, telling him that few people got to see the whole thing. “Good. I like that. While I have no doubt that you can tell me to fuck off, I’d like to see you again. And again. And again.”
While he traced her tat with his fingers, she began to realize what they’d done. They’d had…well fuck. She just had unprotected sex with a man she’d only just met.
“Christ.” She looked up at him. They were about the same height, but she liked that she didn’t have to look down on him. “I just realized that I came here with my brothers. They’re going to…not that I will ever tell them, but they will wonder what I’ve been up to.”
She felt embarrassed. Looking for her dress, she felt her eyes fill with tears. Before she could turn her back on him, August pressed her against the door again after pulling on his pants. He lifted her chin up so that he was looking into her eyes.
“Don’t cry, baby.” She burst into tears and only just realized that she was hurt for the dumbest reasons. Telling him that she didn’t want him to be embarrassed about her, she clung to him while she cried. “On honey, I’d shout it from the roof if that would make you feel better. I just meant that I’d hate for them to find us here when they’d come looking. I don’t want anyone else to see this loveliness that is you.”
She laughed. “Good save. I’m sorry.” He asked her for what. “I don’t know, really. But I want you to know that I’ve never in my life done anything like this before. I’m not easy.” He kissed her.
“This is my first time as well. At least in a utility cabinet. I hope it won’t be the last either.” She laughed again. “There you go. I love your laughter. I was thinking that it reminded me of bells ringing.”
“Don’t be a sap.” He stiffened slightly, and she asked him what was wrong. His smile was anything but reassuring to her. “What? You just had sex—the most incredible sex in the world with me. The least you can do is be honest with me.”
“I have a lot of brothers. Five of them. And just before I left, my older brother was saying how he wished that I’d fall in love with someone so that I’d know how he felt with his new wife.” She asked him if he was proposing to her now. “I don’t know. Would you marry me?”
“No.” She was hurt when he nodded. “You aren’t serious, are you? I mean, we just met. I know that is stupid to say since we’re both nearly naked and had some great sex—I can’t tell you enough how great that was, but we just met.” He turned her around and helped to snap her dress back in place. It was still good-looking, but her hair was a mess.
When she turned back around, she looked at the man. Good heavens, he was a handsome thing. Putting her finger close to his cheek, wanting to leave her lipstick there and not, he took her hand into his and kissed it. She didn’t know what to think when he did that.
“I’m confused as to what I want. I do want to marry you. I don’t know why I think that’s a good thing, but that’s how I feel.” She told him then that she wasn’t on any kind of birth control either. “Good. Again, I don’t know why, but I’d…you’d tell me if we made our child tonight, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes.” She couldn’t think beyond this man being so nice to her when all she wanted to do was to go home and sob. “I don’t know if I want to smack you or love you. I can’t think right now.”