Page 133 of Only After We Met
I don’t sound old, Rhys; I’m worried about you. I avoided this subject on purpose, just like all the others I avoid with you, because I didn’t want to argue. But I worry about something happening to you. I think sometimes you’re not aware enough of things.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: Relax
Ginger, I’m fine. Better than ever.
And I’m not going to let anyone drag me anywhere.
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: RE: Relax
Does that mean you didn’t take anything?
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: RE: RE: Relax
Ginger…best not to talk about that. Just trust me, okay? Can you do that? And let’s catch up on more pleasant things. Like your pretty little office. Will it take much longer till it’s ready? Whatever happened with the distributor?
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: Routine
Whatever happened to that friend of yours you went to college with? The one who lived in LA and was a lawyer. His name was Logan, right? Don’t you talk to him anymore?
Yeah, all our plans are keeping us busy; that’s why I’ve had less time to write you. And when I get home, my sister and Kate suck up all the time I used to have for myself, either convincing me to make a real dinner instead of something premade or else watch a movie. Lately the days are just flying by. Especially now, with Christmas right around the corner. I still haven’t bought any presents. Every year I tell myself I’ll give myself extra days to do it, and every year I find myself with a week to go and it still hanging over my head.
I do trust you, Rhys. But that doesn’t make me worry any less.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: Congratulations, Ginger Snap!
Happy birthday! How does twenty-four feel? Especially now thatyou’re a businesswoman…is it very different from twenty-three? I hope so. Last year around this time, you were so down, remember? You hated getting up every day and going to work, and you wanted to kill Dean half the time.
Now, let’s hope every year is better than the last.
And that you go on living your dreams.
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: I’m happy ??
Thanks, Rhys. You’re right, things have changed a lot in just a year, haven’t they? I remember perfectly everything you’re describing. It was at Christmas dinner last year that Dean announced he was marrying Stella, and I…all I could think about was you and how I wished you were there. I don’t think I ever told you that. Maybe because you were busy with Alexa. Yeah.