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Page 67 of The Perfect Deception

Dina walked through the door sep­a­rat­ing the con­fer­ence room of the county li­brary from the pub­lic por­tion of the build­ing and stopped so quickly the per­son be­hind her rammed into her back.

“Sorry, Jack,” she said to her col­league, mov­ing out of his way and over to where Tracy was pour­ing her­self a cup of cof­fee. They were both at­tend­ing an all-county li­brar­i­ans’ meet­ing and had got­ten an early start this morn­ing. Now, they were in the mid­dle of a fif­teen-minute break.

“I swear I thought I just saw Adam head­ing into the ref­er­ence room.” She shook her head.She must be imag­in­ing things.

“That’s weird. Are you go­ing to go look for him?”

“Maybe dur­ing the next break.” She stretched her back. These meet­ings were al­ways long, but in­for­ma­tive.That would be a re­ally funny co­in­ci­dence.

“Uh oh, trou­ble in par­adise?”

Dina laughed. “Of course not. We don’t track each other’s ev­ery move.” She grabbed her cup and a small plate of fruit and re­turned to the con­fer­ence ta­ble. Her pulse in­creased. What was he do­ing at this li­brary?

You’ll never know un­less you ask.At the next break, she headed to the ref­er­ence room. Sure enough, Adam sat in front of a com­puter, a stack of pa­pers next to him.

Smil­ing wide, she walked over to him. “Hey, I didn’t know you were plan­ning to come here to­day.”

Flip­ping the pa­pers over, he jumped and turned to­ward her.

Her cu­rios­ity in­creased.

Bank­ing sur­prise, he smiled back, but his neck was red.

“I didn’t ex­pect you to be here, ei­ther. I’m do­ing some re­search.” He clenched his hand on top of the pa­pers.

His law of­fice didn’t have a re­search de­part­ment? “Tracey and I are here for a meet­ing. What are you re­search­ing? Any­thing I can help with?”

He spread his hand out. “No, I’ll be done in a lit­tle bit. Want to do some­thing when I’m fin­ished?”

She ad­mired his hands, even as she won­dered what he was do­ing. “I can’t. I have a hair ap­point­ment for the re­union.”

“Don’t do any­thing to your hair.” Adam’s voice rose and those around them glared. He low­ered his voice, but his tone was no less com­mand­ing. “It’s per­fect just as it is.”

“Re­ally? I was think­ing of get­ting it straight­ened. The curls are all over the place.”

“Those curls are you. Don’t change them.” He looked al­most fierce as he stared at her, his fin­gers flex­ing and straight­en­ing as if he were run­ning them through her strands.

Dina fin­gered her frizz, not un­der­stand­ing why springy hair was his thing, but feel­ing warmth in her belly that he cared. “I still have to get it trimmed though.”

“Not much.”

“Se­ri­ously, you’re crazy.”

His green eyes glowed as if he looked deep into her soul. “Don’t let the mean girls change who you are.”

His un­der­stand­ing pulled her up short, be­fore a tin­gling fol­lowed the trail of warmth. No mat­ter what hap­pened at the re­union, he’d have her back. If they promised to be silent, would the other peo­ple mind if she and Adam had sex right here? With a sigh, she pulled away. “I’ll let you get back to your re­search, what­ever it is. Call me tonight?”

“Only if you text me a pic­ture of your hair af­ter your ap­point­ment.”

“Only if you tell me what you’re re­search­ing.”

He shifted in his chair. “Law stuff. How’s your meet­ing?”

Why was he sud­denly so ea­ger to change the sub­ject? “It’s fine. What kind of law stuff? Must be pretty out­side the box if you have to do it at the county li­brary rather than your of­fice.”

He swal­lowed, shift­ing his gaze around the room. “It’s just…it’s noth­ing. Don’t worry about it. Want to come over to­mor­row and watch a movie?”

“You’re chang­ing the sub­ject, Adam. What’s go­ing on?”

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