Page 67 of The Perfect Deception
Dina walked through the door separating the conference room of the county library from the public portion of the building and stopped so quickly the person behind her rammed into her back.
“Sorry, Jack,” she said to her colleague, moving out of his way and over to where Tracy was pouring herself a cup of coffee. They were both attending an all-county librarians’ meeting and had gotten an early start this morning. Now, they were in the middle of a fifteen-minute break.
“I swear I thought I just saw Adam heading into the reference room.” She shook her head.She must be imagining things.
“That’s weird. Are you going to go look for him?”
“Maybe during the next break.” She stretched her back. These meetings were always long, but informative.That would be a really funny coincidence.
“Uh oh, trouble in paradise?”
Dina laughed. “Of course not. We don’t track each other’s every move.” She grabbed her cup and a small plate of fruit and returned to the conference table. Her pulse increased. What was he doing at this library?
You’ll never know unless you ask.At the next break, she headed to the reference room. Sure enough, Adam sat in front of a computer, a stack of papers next to him.
Smiling wide, she walked over to him. “Hey, I didn’t know you were planning to come here today.”
Flipping the papers over, he jumped and turned toward her.
Her curiosity increased.
Banking surprise, he smiled back, but his neck was red.
“I didn’t expect you to be here, either. I’m doing some research.” He clenched his hand on top of the papers.
His law office didn’t have a research department? “Tracey and I are here for a meeting. What are you researching? Anything I can help with?”
He spread his hand out. “No, I’ll be done in a little bit. Want to do something when I’m finished?”
She admired his hands, even as she wondered what he was doing. “I can’t. I have a hair appointment for the reunion.”
“Don’t do anything to your hair.” Adam’s voice rose and those around them glared. He lowered his voice, but his tone was no less commanding. “It’s perfect just as it is.”
“Really? I was thinking of getting it straightened. The curls are all over the place.”
“Those curls are you. Don’t change them.” He looked almost fierce as he stared at her, his fingers flexing and straightening as if he were running them through her strands.
Dina fingered her frizz, not understanding why springy hair was his thing, but feeling warmth in her belly that he cared. “I still have to get it trimmed though.”
“Not much.”
“Seriously, you’re crazy.”
His green eyes glowed as if he looked deep into her soul. “Don’t let the mean girls change who you are.”
His understanding pulled her up short, before a tingling followed the trail of warmth. No matter what happened at the reunion, he’d have her back. If they promised to be silent, would the other people mind if she and Adam had sex right here? With a sigh, she pulled away. “I’ll let you get back to your research, whatever it is. Call me tonight?”
“Only if you text me a picture of your hair after your appointment.”
“Only if you tell me what you’re researching.”
He shifted in his chair. “Law stuff. How’s your meeting?”
Why was he suddenly so eager to change the subject? “It’s fine. What kind of law stuff? Must be pretty outside the box if you have to do it at the county library rather than your office.”
He swallowed, shifting his gaze around the room. “It’s just…it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. Want to come over tomorrow and watch a movie?”
“You’re changing the subject, Adam. What’s going on?”