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Page 66 of The Perfect Deception

Adam’s ev­ery mus­cle tensed.

“I ex­tended some feel­ers. Peo­ple are hir­ing.” He trailed off and tapped his pen­cil on his desk.

Adam frowned. It wasn’t like his friend to be this un­com­fort­able. “That’s good. I can take it from here if you just give me the con­tact info.”

Ja­cob shook his head, leaned for­ward and stared at him. “I can’t. Be­cause as soon as they heard I was check­ing things out for you, they sud­denly lost in­ter­est. I even tried not men­tion­ing you, but they’re all talk­ing about how your firm is bungling big-name cases. I’m sorry, Adam. You need to give it some time to let things set­tle.”

Adam thrust him­self out of his chair and stalked around the of­fice, rub­bing his hand over the top of his head. He wanted to shout. No, he wanted to kill his fa­ther.

“What the hell did he do to me?”

“I don’t think it was your dad, Adz.”

“Who else could it have been?”

Ja­cob spun around in his chair. “What about the para­le­gal? Could she have told some­one?”

Adam turned to­ward the win­dow and looked out, im­ages of his fa­ther, the para­le­gal, and his for­mer of­fice shut­tling through his brain. “I don’t know why she would. I mean, I know the par­ale­gals in our of­fice talk, but be­tween dif­fer­ent law firms? I can’t imag­ine that hap­pen­ing.”

“Your dad’s an ass. Sorry.”

Let­ting out a laugh that was far from amused, Adam turned back to Ja­cob. “I need a new ca­reer plan.”

“Well, if you can fig­ure out who’s spread­ing the news, maybe you can do some­thing from that an­gle.”

“The horse not only left the barn, but it left the state. It doesn’t mat­ter if I can find out who’s af­ter me. The news is out there. Shit, I am not let­ting them end my ca­reer!”

“I don’t think you should ig­nore who might be try­ing to hurt your ca­reer. I think it’s worth look­ing into.”

“Oh, I’ll def­i­nitely be look­ing into it, don’t worry about that.”

Ja­cob flipped a pen­cil through his fin­gers. “How are things with Dina?”

For the first time, Adam smiled. “Good.”Great.

“Have you talked to her?”

He could play dumb and pre­tend he didn’t know what Ja­cob was talk­ing about, but he didn’t think he could pull that off. “Not yet.”

Ja­cob shook his head. “How se­ri­ous are you two?”

Adam pulled at his col­lar.

“That se­ri­ous? Have you had sex yet?”


Ja­cob let out a breath, flut­ter­ing pa­pers on his desk. “Oh boy. I hope you know what you’re do­ing.”

“If I tell her, she’ll leave.”

“If you don’t, she might any­way.”

“I can man­age it.”

Ja­cob walked with him to the door. “Go through your dad’s em­ploy­ees and see who jumps out. And tell Dina.”

Chap­ter Sev­en­teen

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