Page 57 of The Perfect Deception
“Because you were drunk. Which surprised me, because I didn’t think alcohol enabled a person to have sex. But you…” She blushed. “You did quite well.”
The woman who had “clodpate” on the tip of her tongue said he performed “quite well.” He wasn’t sure how to take that.
He reached for her hand across the space between the sofa and the recliner. Her skin was soft to the touch. Her fingers were thin and delicate. He held tight to make sure she didn’t pull away. “We had sex because I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind.”Because I love you.
Her mouth opened.
“From the moment I met you, I haven’t been able to think of another woman. Every time I’m with you, all I want to do is touch you, feel your skin against mine, taste your lips, play with your hair. Yes, I was drunk and that lowered my resolve, but we did not have sexbecauseI was drunk.”
She remained silent, her eyes wide.
“Why didyouhave sex withme?” He swallowed, not sure if he wanted to hear the answer. For some reason, when he was with her, unexpected words tumbled from his mouth. Not vocabulary words like “clodpate,” but words from his heart that he kept hidden away from everyone else.
“Because you’re irresistible.”
Good lord, if he didn’t think he’d scare her with the fervor of his desire, he’d leap off the sofa, and take her again right there in the recliner. But the last time they’d had sex was on the sofa, and she was now sitting on the recliner. He needed to make sure she had somewhere to sit in his apartment if he could somehow convince her to stay. Or return.
He wanted their next time to be different than their first—slower, more intentional, sober.
“We’re supposed to be just friends.” Her voice wavered between accusation and dismay.
“We still are friends, but I’ve wanted us to be more than friends for a while now.”
“What do we do about our arrangement?”
He rose and approached her with caution. Leaning over, he rested each hand on an armrest, effectively boxing her in with his body. He lowered his head until it was a hairsbreadth away from her face. Her lips glistened and a blush rose from her neck across her cheek.
“Screw the arrangement.”
Chapter Fifteen
The last time Adam’s face had been this close to hers, they’d been having sex. From the looks of him, most notably his flared nostrils and his dilated pupils, he wanted to have sex again.
She must have smiled, because his lips widened ever so slightly before parting. His eyes hooded, he lowered his head even closer to hers. She could feel her pulse pounding, hear his rapid breathing and a part of her wanted to succumb to desire and let their bodies take over.
But first she needed answers. And this wasn’t exactly a position conducive to discussion.
Pressing on his chest, she said, “No.”
He reared back and the electric charge in the air fizzled.
She shook her head. “You can’t kiss me again until you answer my questions.”
His shoulders drooped for a moment. But when he met her gaze, she saw relief.
“I thought…” He clenched his jaw. “Well, never mind what I thought. I’ll answer your questions. But first I owe you an apology.”
She curled up in the chair, now that she had room, and waited for him to sit on the sofa. Instead, he paced.
“Why do you owe me an apology?”
“Because you deserve way better than drunk sex, and while it was amazing, it’s not how I had planned our first time to be.” He ran his fingers through his hair, making it spiky and sexy.
“You planned our first time?” It wasn’t just her.
Adam raised his head. “Planned, imagined, fantasized. And none of those fantasies included my being drunk. I haven’t always acted in ways that might convince you, but Dina, you’re the one I want to be with, and for more than just sex, although I definitely want that with you as well. I want to go out with you on a real date. I want to go the movies with you and the diner. Hell, I even want to go to the grocery store with you, so we can buy ingredients for a romantic dinner that leads… well.” He smiled. “And that didn’t happen, especially last night. So I’m sorry.”