Page 73 of A Heart of Little Faith
“No, but I’ve come close.” By then they were at their seats and the lights dimmed. Their elbows bumped on the armrest they shared and heat coursed through him. Lily slipped her arm through his and he squeezed it to his side. She rested her cheek on his shoulder. When he kissed the top of her head, the curtain rose, as did the last of the barrier around his heart.
After the show, Lily suggested drinks at the restaurant across the street. They entered a small restaurant known for its Old World, club-like atmosphere. Dark paneling, deep red carpets, crystal chandeliers and a well-stocked bar made it a favorite among theatergoers late at night. There were tables in the back with a full dinner menu for those who wanted to eat, but Lily and Gideon instead chose to sit at one of the cocktail tables near the bar and order drinks and dessert.
As they sat and discussed the play, a stunning woman at the other end of the bar caught Lily’s eye. That is, she would have been stunning if she weren’t inebriated. She swayed to her feet, giggled and teetered toward them in three-inch heels. It fascinated her how someone could make such a spectacle of herself. When she realized Gideon had asked her a question and waited for an answer, her face heated and she returned her attention to him.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Out of the corner of her eye, she continued to watch the slow progress of the drunken blonde.
“I was just wondering what had you so fascinated,” he asked her wryly, “since it obviously isn’t me?” His magnetic smile took away any bite his words may have had. Lily’s cheeks heated.
“I didn’t realize I was obvious,” she apologized. “I was just staring at the woman over there. She’s completely drunk and…”
Lily’s voice petered out as Gideon turned toward the woman and froze. Horror flitted across his face; like an iron gate clanking shut, all traces of emotion disappeared. Only the set of his shoulders, a vibrating tendon in his neck, and a soft sigh alerted her to his feelings for this woman. She could feel a sudden chill and she shuddered. Lily remained quiet as a protective urge arose in her. Whoever this woman was, she upset Gideon, and she would not let that happen.
The woman staggered toward them, preceded by the nauseating combination of perfume and alcohol. She raised her drink to them in mock-salute as her unfocused gaze wandered from one to the other.
Her long straight hair fell in disarray over her back. Smudged eyeliner framed large brown eyes. Bright red lipstick that matched the red of her dress painted beautifully proportioned lips, but the lipstick bled around the edges. Her dress was short and tight with red sequins, a plunging neck and backline. Matching red pumps completed the outfit.
Lily breathed through her mouth as she stared at Gideon in confusion. Her stomach fluttered. Why was Gideon so concerned about someone else’s public spectacle? And how could she convince him it didn’t matter?
“Hello, darlings,” the woman drawled as she zigzagged through the cocktail tables. She placed a steadying hand on first one shoulder then another of the customers and ensured she became the center of attention, until she reached her prey—Gideon. The other patrons who whispered to each other, melted away. Lily’s gaze bounced between the two, like a spectator at a tennis match.
“Gideon, dear, what a surprise to see you here!” She took another sip of her drink. He said nothing. “You’re looking well, handsome as ever. Despite everything.” If it was possible, he stiffened further.
“You’re not talking to me,” she pouted. “You know, it’s not polite to ignore me. You know how I hate to be ignored,” she whined.
When he remained silent, she leaned into him, lost her balance and tipped her glass into his lap. He swore as the liquid soaked his lap.
“Elaine!” That one word made everyone leap into action. A couple next to them rushed over with their napkins and Gideon used them ineffectually. As Elaine laughed drunkenly, Lily walked over to her, put her arm around her shoulder, and steered her toward the bathroom.
“Why don’t you come with me and let me help you clean up.” She allowed no opportunity for Elaine to argue.
“He was the love of my life, you know that?” she asked with a noise that transformed into a sob. “I loved him so much—his sexy voice, his hard body, and the sex…” she rambled on. Lily’s ears burned and she searched for someone to help her. There was no one. “Of course, all of that changed after his accident,” Elaine rambled on. “We couldn’t stay together, I mean, he wasn’t the same man, wasn’t even a man. How could I stay tied to him for the rest of my life? Tell me?”
Lily thought her head might explode at Elaine’s words. It pounded and her neck heated. Any jealousy over this woman faded as she realized what a poisonous snake she was when she opened her mouth. She clamped her own mouth shut, ignored the metallic taste of blood and helped the woman clean up. She got her a cab and then went to search for Gideon.
She returned to the restaurant, but he’d gone. The only sign he’d been there at all was his half empty glass and a pool of liquid the busboy now mopped up. “Did you see where he went?”
The busboy pointed outside, Lily flagged a cab and told the cabbie Gideon’s address.
Twenty minutes later, a knock sounded on Gideon’s door. He sat motionless as he stared at the peephole, knowing instinctively who stood on the outside.
“Gideon, it’s me,” she called through the door. “Please open up.” He recognized her voice. It had always filled him with joy. Now, it didn’t.
He waited another few moments. When at last he opened it, it took all his self-control not to reel back in shock. Lily stood there, the same as ever. He’d expected Elaine’s poison to transform her somehow, but he could see no visible signs. The mask he’d carefully plastered over his features started to slip – maybe everything was all right. He shook himself mentally.No Elaine’s damage wouldn’t be visible.He searched Lily’s face for some sign – pity, disdain, revulsion. Her jaw was set in determination.
“Hi,” she whispered. He didn’t answer. “Can I come in?”
He neither spoke nor moved, his jaw clenched. This was his worst nightmare, and it had come true. As she stood in his doorway, his heart constricted. Once again, Elaine had humiliated him, only this time it was in front of everyone. Especially Lily.
She leaned against the doorjamb and crossed her legs at the ankle. God, he loved those legs. “I suppose we could discuss this out here,” she suggested, pointing down the hallway at the other apartments. “But I think we might disturb a lot of people, especially this late at night.”
Gideon itched to shut the door on his neighbors and her, but instead, he swore and reversed to let her into his apartment, but only a few feet.
“Thank you. May I?” she asked and pointed to the sofa. He blinked and she sat down. The sofa was soft, and most times she sank into it. But today, she sat ramrod straight. He came over, stared straight ahead and ignored her. When he spoke, it was barely a whisper, but filled with anger so that Lily recoiled.