Page 57 of A Heart of Little Faith
After eliciting a promise to call her if she needed her, Samantha exited Lily’s apartment and Lily went to bed.
Lily and Claire awoke to a sunny and warm Sunday.
At Samantha’s weekly brunch, everyone avoided all mention of Gideon or the wedding, which was easy since he wasn’t there, and Lily picked at her food; during a bike ride in the park, she almost ran three people over as her thoughts distracted her; while they ran errands, she forgot almost everything on her list; when she cleaned, she tried not to wait for the phone to ring. All day, she wondered if Gideon would call, wondered if she should call him and berated herself for her thoughts.I’m acting like a desperate teenager.
By four o’clock, she couldn’t take anymore. Her body ached and her throat hurt from the huge lump that seemed to have assumed permanent residency. While Claire played a game on the computer, Lily sank onto the sofa and fell into an exhausted asleep. The telephone jarred her awake forty-five minutes later and she searched for it as she summoned the energy to wake up.
“I hear you’re looking for a man.”
Relief surged through her body at the sound of Gideon’s deep voice and it took her breath away. “I am.” She sat up, gripped the phone in one hand and dug the other one into her waist.
“Will I do?”
This was it. She needed to know he’d taken her seriously and was willing to change. “No more second thoughts?”
“Then absolutely.” She sank into the pillow and fought hysterical giggles that burbled from her stomach into her throat.
“Drop Claire at Samantha’s and come over right now.” His smile came through loud and clear.
The doorbell rang. Gideon wiped his sweaty palms on his pants, looked at his lap, where a single white lily rested, and positioned himself in the center of the room. “Come in,” he yelled.
The door opened and Lily peeked inside. Would he be enough? A small smile played about her lips as she walked toward him and he exhaled.
“I thought about what you said last night, and you were right. I’ve been afraid, and I’ve been unfair to you. You deserve better, but I want to be the one to give it to you.” He held up the flower. “So, will you let me?” He gripped the flower like a lifeline as he waited for her answer. His pulse pounded in his ears and he wondered for a moment if he’d be able to hear her reply. She’d implied last night she would go out with him, but he still wanted to see her reaction when she answered him. He searched hard for a sign of discomfort from her, but all he saw was joy.
He relaxed, a little. He still had to be positive. “You’re not doing this out of pity, are you?”
She knelt next to him. “I pick up groceries for someone out of pity. I cook a meal for someone out of pity. I don’t make a life-affecting decision like this out of pity. I’m too selfish for that.” She grinned.
His chest eased. “And you know what you’re getting into?” He traced his finger over her jawbone and marveled at its delicacy.
“Really good parking spaces at the mall?” He chuckled. She could turn him on his ear at the drop of a hat, and it was one of his favorite things about her.
“Seriously,” he said.
“Well, not completely, no. But I don’t think anyone ever does. I mean a lot of it is going to be the same as it already is.” Lily grabbed his wrist and kissed his palm.
“You make it seem easy.” His heart seemed to freeze and then began to pound.
“No, not easy, Gideon. But easier, if we keep an open mind and talk to each other.” He flushed when he looked at her. She was right. “No more keeping our feelings to ourselves.”
He pulled her onto his lap and rested his forehead against hers, while grumbling in the back of his throat. She pulled away with surprise; when he winked, she laughed. He joined in, his baritone adding depth to her soprano, creating a symphony all their own.
The next evening, the phone interrupted Lily and Gideon as they watched a movie. They’d rented Casablanca in order to spend time together and not exclude Claire. The three of them made spaghetti for dinner and brownies for dessert, both Claire’s favorites. Gideon stared at her closed bedroom door as warmth filled his heart. She’d fallen asleep with chocolate on her face, and now he and Lily had the evening to themselves. She pressed pause and moved out of the circle of his arms.
“Do you want anything from the kitchen while I’m up?”