Page 13 of A Heart of Little Faith
Anne nodded. “I like you.”
“Thank you. You’re very direct. I hope I passed your test.” He checked his watch. “I hate to break this up, but I’ve got to get home. I’ve got practice in an hour.”
“Practice?” Lily asked as they headed toward the door.
“Basketball practice. I’m playing in a tournament tonight.” Samantha hadn’t mentioned her brother was on a basketball team. Then again, Samantha hadn’t mentioned anything about her brother.
Outside, Anne said goodbye and left Lily and Gideon alone. The chilly spring air made Lily shiver. She smelled the fresh roasted coffee beans and she took a deep breath as she stalled.
“Gideon, I’m really sorry about in there. Anne’s not blessed with a lot of tact. I hope she didn’t offend you.”
He pinned her with his gaze, leaning forward in his chair. “She didn’t offend me. I’m used to questions. In fact, I’m surprised you haven’t asked me any.”
Lily recoiled as if struck. “What do you mean?”
“I mean most women are curious about a guy in a chair. You stare at me, but you don’t ask any questions.” He looked like he was daring her to deny it.
Lily thought Anne’s questions would have embarrassed Gideon. Instead, her lack of them upset him. She’d attempted to respect his privacy. Instead, she’d offended him. She couldn’t do anything right around him. Her stomach sank. She bit her bottom lip and dropped to a bench next to him. She rested her palm on the wheel of his chair and ran her finger along the smooth, cool metal frame.
“I’m sorry. I don’t stare at you because of your wheelchair. I stare at you because I’m trying to figure you out, to gauge your mood.” And because he was gorgeous, but she wouldn’t admit that to him. She was drawn to his solemn brown eyes behind his glasses, to their changing shade reflecting his emotions. “You’re gentle and sweet with Claire, but with me you run hot and cold. Sometimes you talk to me and other times you look right through me as if I’m not there. Usually, you’re angry, and I can’t figure out what I did to make you so. I’m too busy trying to find my footing with you to even think about questions I might want to ask.” She met his gaze and those fascinating brown eyes were wide and dark and sorrowful. She had an insane urge to brush her hand over his brow. Instead, she shook her head. “I certainly never meant to make you think I was staring at you because of your wheelchair. To be honest with you, I don’t notice it much.”
His nostrils flared as his jaw dropped. “You don’t notice the chair?”
“No, it’s not something I focus on. I mean, I notice it like I notice the intriguing cleft in your chin, or your sexy smile. But that’s all. Frankly, I notice your attitude more.” As the words left her mouth, she wished for a crack in the sidewalk to swallow her whole. But like most of her wishes these days, it remained unanswered.
Gideon flushed, but not in anger this time and Lily let out a breath. The heightened color only added to his looks. “I really do owe you an apology. So how about I atone for my poor manners by taking you and Claire out sometime?” He clenched his fist in his lap and held his breath.
“That would be great. I know she’d love it.” She didn’t dare to consider her own feelings, because those might lead her down a road that she wasn’t yet ready to travel. At least, she didn’t think she was.
His expression softened and his eyes got that twinkle in them again. His fist unclenched. “Are you both free tomorrow night?”
“Yeah, I think so.” Lily’s heart beat faster and Gideon smiled, making her heartbeat flutter.
“I’ll see you then.”
What in the world did I do? Every time we see each other we end up yelling and I accepted an invitation from him? I need my head examined. Or at least a large bottle of aspirin.Yet for the first time, a flutter of hope made her think perhaps she might be getting closer to traveling down that road with Gideon.
Gideon dialed his sister’s number on his cell phone as he returned home to his apartment to change for practice. She answered on the third ring.
“Hi, Gideon, what’s up?” Her voice was distracted, but he wanted to have this conversation now.
“Listen, I wanted to discuss brunch the other day.”
She cleared her throat. “What about brunch? Other than your rude behavior, I mean.”
Gideon swore to himself. “You know, you have a lot of nerve, kiddo. First you try to set me up, when I’ve expressly told you to stay out of my life. Then you criticize me for my behavior. What about yours?”
“There is nothing wrong with my behavior, brother dear,” Samantha refuted, her tone clipped. “I’m not the one who was rude to my guest.”
“That’s right,yourguest. Not mine,” Gideon retorted. “You’ve got the relationship with her. I don’t.” Just because he was taking Lily and Claire out tomorrow night didn’t mean it was a relationship. It was an apology. Nothing more.
“Well you would if you’d get off your ass and do something about it.”
“Are you serious?” Gideon asked. A red haze prevented him from seeing anything. What the heck was wrong with his sister?
She gasped. “Sorry, that came out wrong.” Her tone softened.