Page 40 of Wrapped in Winter
“Why are you here again?” January asks with a faux-perturbed tone that’s obviously only meant to give him a hard time.
“Mywifeis your best friend, and I'm part of the package now.” January rolls her eyes at his exaggeration of the word wife.
“You’re lucky she kept you,” she says.
“Don’t I know it,” he replies dreamily before clapping his hands. “But I'm more interested in this situation.” He waves his hands between us three.
“The only situation is that you’re intruding,” Courtney tells him, grabbing his ear and pulling him to stand.
I laugh. “The ear pull. I’ll keep that in mind.”
As Lily moves on to the next present, their mom comes in from the kitchen and says, “So, Drake, I don’t think we’ve officially been introduced.” She steps over to me, and I stand from the couch, quickly extending my hand to her. “Please call me Hope. I heard you’re our new delivery person?”
I smile at her. “Yes, ma’am.” She clears her throat and raises a brow, and I chuckle. “Yes, Hope. I’ve been with the company for just about three months now.”
“He comes to the store to bang around in the bathroom!” Lily calls out before digging back into her gift, and the room falls silent.
All eyes fall on January. Then to me. But Meadow sits with a Cheshire-cat grin, and I see January give her a dirty look. Through gritted teeth she says, “I told you she repeats everything.” Meadow waves her hand in dismissal, and little laughs come from around the room. “You are so completely mortifying.”
Meadow barks a laugh. “Come on, Lily, tell us something we don’t know!”
I laugh beside her. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not!” she cries.
Their mom clears her throat. “So, the shop. Are my girls running you ragged with all the shipments?”
“Not at all. That's my job. It doesn't matter how many shipments come through.”
“You’re also new to Montana, right? I think Blossom said you came from the South?”
“Yes, I’m originally from Florida. My parents still live there.”
“Are you planning on staying?” Lief asks.
“Lief!” January hisses out his name.
“What? I’m allowed to ask questions too,” he challenges her.
I place my hand on January’s arm. “I plan on staying. Cole and I needed a change from where we were, and we drove until we couldn’t anymore. I like to say Wintervale found us.”
“Wintervale is a wonderful place to make home.”
“I’ve noticed.”
I also notice the glances from the girls around the room to January and myself. She shuffles in her seat, and though I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable, I’m glad she’s feeling something. The more time I spend with all of them, the more I really am falling for this small town.
And January.
And Lily.
I know she’s concerned about my age, but I don’t see myself as young. The experiences of my life made me grow up faster than a kid should, just like hers did. I don't want to overstep, but I know I could take care of both of them.
“Drake! Where’s your present?” Lily asks.
“Right here, Pretty Lily.” I slide a bag over to her, and she begins to pull out the wrapped items.