Page 39 of Wrapped in Winter
He cradles my face and gives me a soft kiss. “Hello.” He smiles and I melt.
“Hi,” I breathe out.
“I couldn’t wait to do that.” He glances into the other room. “Don’t worry, no one saw anything.”
“It’s fine. Meadow spotted your truck here early this morning.”
His lips roll in. “She did?”
I nod. “I have no idea why she was out at two in the morning, but she was asking lots of questions.”
He furrows his brows and then his eyes get wide. “Cole usually comes home shortly after two. Think they were together?”
I lean in like we both share the same secret. “Let’s start a rumor and take the heat off us!”
He chuckles and slides his hand into my back pocket, squeezing as he goes. “But I like our heat.”
I inhale deeply, catching his scent again. He pulls his hand out and gives me a light spank. “You need to keep yourself under control today, January. I only have so much restraint and definitely not enough for the two of us.”
“So no bathroom breaks?”
“Woman,” he growls out, and I let out a boisterous laugh. “You’re testing my patience.”
“Woman? Might as well call me ma’am. You make me sound old.”
“Thought we already established that I caught a cougar.”
I study him. Twenty-six is so young. And here he is, stepping into my life,our family,like he’s ready to take it all on.
“So young.” I don’t realize I’ve whispered it out loud until he puts his hand around my waist.
“Not young, January. Certain. Now, come on. Let’s get this party started!”
Chapter 16
We ate, had cake, played a few games, and now, before Lily bursts, we’re opening presents.
“Uncle Lief! Where’s your present?”
“Present? I didn’t know I was supposed to bring a present.”
Lily stands in front of him, fury written all over her face. “You have to bring a present.”
“Lily!” January chastises her, and she turns to face her mom with her hands on her hips.
“What? He’s at a birthday party. That’s what you do!”
Everyone laughs at her dramatics, and January just shakes her head. “She never asks for anything, so I’m not sure where this need for presents is coming from today.”
“Birthdays are special and only happen once a year; let her be the queen today,” I say.
“Lief, stop teasing her before she blows a gasket,” Meadow says.
He chuckles and pulls a bag out from next to the couch, and she dives in.
“So this is new,” Jack says as she wedges himself between January and I on the couch.