Page 27 of Wrapped in Winter
He smiles. “Big cities are daunting.” He cuddles me closer, brushing the hair from my face. “We don’t really know anything about each day, so why worry? I believe we found each other for a reason, that I happened upon this town because of something bigger in play. I want you to believe it too. Will you let me be the one to show you?”
His words scare me. I don’t know if I'm ready for all he’s trying to give. And how do I know he’s ready? Because his friend says he has a big heart and Drake is telling me the words? Words and actions are two different things, and I need to see real genuine actions with my own eyes. But the thing is, I believe he’s sincere so it comes down to me. Am I hoping for that action or am I afraid of what’s expected from me once he does show it?
Chapter 11
“It’s pink, Mommy! We’re twins!”
My daughter swings her legs on the chair next to me in the nail salon. We have matching nails, and next will be matching cookies.
“You picked a great color, baby.”
She smiles proudly. We sit together under the dryer waiting the last few minutes before we’re allowed to gather our items and leave without smudging the polish. I don’t mind the warm air on my hands. The sun is shining bright, but it's still winter in Montana and we won’t thaw out until May.
“What’s next?”
What a loaded question. I know she’s asking if we’re going for cookies or to the library after here, but the question is one that’s been bouncing in my head since meeting Drake. Whatisnext? I haven’t a clue, but I’m almost to the point of letting Drake lead me so I can find out.
“I think you two should go get cookies.”
I’m pulled from my musing and see Drake standing in front of us. He’s in his work uniform, but it makes him no less attractive. The fact I know what’s under that uniform makes me squeeze my thighs tight.
“What are you doing here?” I ask.
He stands with his hand on his hip, clipboard in the other. “This is one of my delivery stops. When I came to the front to have the owner sign, I saw two beautiful blondes and knew I had to come right over and say hello.”
“Drake! Can you come for cookies with us?”
His eyes linger on me with a smile playing on his lips before he turns to Lily and gives her an even brighter grin. “I’d love to, Pretty Lily, but I’m working. And it looks like you’re having a great time with your momma, right? Girls’ day is important.”
“We have matching nails!” She pulls her tiny hand from under the dryer and wiggles her fingers. “Momma, show Drake yours!”
“Yeah, Momma, show me yours.” His tone is loaded and makes me blush. I pull my hand out from under the dryer and give a glance toward Lily, who is now studying her nails, and show him my middle finger instead. He chuckles. “That’s a beautiful color. Like raspberries. I bet it tastes as sweet as it looks.”
I shake my head. “There's no winning with you, is there?”
“Oh, Momma, you’ll always win with me.” My breath catches. Hearing him call me that, it makes our relationship feel very intimate. Loaded with promises I want him to keep.
“Okay, Lily. How about we go get some hot chocolate and a cookie?”
Lily cheers, and we both stand. “Bye, Drake!” she yells as she makes her way to the door.
“Bye, Lily.” He lets her pass but won’t budge when I try to slip by, forcing me to brush up against him. As I do, he leans in and whispers in my ear, “When’s our second date?”
“You had it the other night at the bar.”
He smirks and follows it with a low laugh. “I need more than two minutes, January.”
“Could have fooled me.”
He puts his hand on my waist. “Remember our rules? I get to take you out twice a week. And I’m dying to be inside you again, so we need those dates soon.”
“So sure of yourself.”
“It’s why you like me.”