Page 25 of Wrapped in Winter
“I do understand completely, and I understand now coming home was needed, but doing that caused a lot of extra stressors to happen. He’s very in command of himself and his surroundings. And I don't mean controlling.” I shoot Courtney a look because I know that word takes her right back to mine and Sean’s relationship. In the beginning it was great, but the deeper we got, the less I was able to do on my own. He always wanted me with him, with his friends, at dinners, clubs, appearances. I thought it was sweet then, but now I see he was trying to create a gap; he was trying to get me away from my family and turn me into what he wanted. “I mean, he’s sure of himself. Steady. He has control over his emotions. He’s worked through some of his grief, and I’m kind of envious of that.”
I speak without thinking and realize it when all three of them are staring at me with gaping mouths.
Blossom grabs my hand. “January I'm so happy to hear you say that. You’ve shown no emotion in years, and it scares me.”
“Me too.”
“Guess it took a good dicking down in the men’s room to get here?”
We all laugh at Meadow’s outburst, and I know she’s trying to avoid the heavy stuff as much as I have been doing all along.
“I like this guy, January. I don’t care how he came about, he’s here now. Don’t turn it away because you’re afraid. At some point you’re going to have to face things. I wouldn’t want it to be in front of Lily. Tough love? You need to prepare yourself for those questions because they’re going to come, and probably sooner than you think.”
She’s right. I owe it to her and myself.
After about an hour or so, the bar has packed out and is pretty full for a Friday night. I tell the girls I’m going to get us another round and make my way to the bar. I wedge myself in at the end closest to the hallway I went down that since has me rethinking a lot of things. I watch Cole move around the bar taking orders. He seems very comfortable but you can tell he’s not from around here with his deep tan; a far cry from what you’d expect during the cold Montana winter. Drake has the same tan, and it’s like I can feel the sunshine on him.
They’re both very respectful and friendly. I grin to myself thinking about Meadow trying to work him over. He’s definitely the type she likes to break, but there’s something about him, a fight inside that shows he’s stronger than he lets on, more stubborn too. He would be a perfect match for my sister. I can’t wait to see how this plays out.
Cole sees me and makes his way over. “Can I get another round?”
He throws down a tray, grabbing four beers and shot glasses. “Having a good time tonight?” he asks.
He looks at me. “You don’t come out very often, do you?”
“Not really, at least not for quite some time, but my sisters have gotten me out now two times in the last two months, which is overkill for me.”
“You should come out more. You look like you’re having fun. I even caught you smiling.”
I laugh and roll my eyes. “I heard my sister makes you smile.” He holds my stare, a teasing grin trying to break free. “She’s wild, Cole. Just be sure you know what you're doing.”
He nods. “Boy, do I know it.”
“Tell me about your friend.”
He pulls a bottle down from behind him and fills our shot glasses. He glances around at the bar, checking everybody’s drinks, then leans down to talk to me. “My friend is a romantic with ideas that come from his heart more than his brain.”
I raise a brow. “Doesn’t seem like a good way to be in the business world.”
He nods in agreement. “It’s exactly why he wanted out of where we were. Miami is fun, but it can be brutal for those who cannot keep up with the lifestyle.”
“And what lifestyle would that be?”
“The one that is only concerned withright now. Drake isn’t like that. He leads with his heart, but he looks ahead because that’s where his heart lies. He wants to love where he is and what he’s doing, whether it’s being a top-ten businessman or a delivery guy.” He grows solemn and studies me. “Drake is a good guy, and he gets taken advantage of because of his good nature. Don’t be the first one to do it to him in a new town.”
I step back. I’m a bit taken aback by what he says. “I could say the same about myself, Cole.”
“Then I’m sure you guys understand each other well.” His eyes flick over my shoulder. I grab the tray and turn away but pause when a hand lands on my hip. I glance to the side and see Drake’s outline.
“Hey, man, looks like a good night?”
“Yeah. We've been packed since right after work.” Cole knocks on the bar and turns to somebody calling his name. I still hold tight to the tray.
Drake whispers in my ear, “I’m glad to see you out again. Where is our girl tonight?”
I furrow my brows and turn to look at him. “My girlis with my brother.” I don’t like this guy insinuating stuff after just onedate. But after hearing Cole talk about him, I worry it’s because he’s getting too attached.