Page 10 of Wrapped in Winter
Keep repeating it and keep that wall built high.
Chapter 5
The snow came down pretty hard last night, but by morning all the roads were cleared. My mom was able to get to my house early, and I crept out the door before Lily woke up. I made a mental note to bring the spreadsheets home with me so I don't have to keep asking Mom to come over so early. Avoiding the bakery this morning, I head straight to the boutique, texting Blossom to bring coffee.
I went over invoices and order forms until my eyes blurred last night. Since coming back to Wintervale, I’ve been doing bookkeeping for other companies in town. We don’t take much of a salary from the shop, so the side work keeps my income steady.
I’ve also picked up some pointers for running our business. Lief has tried to handle it all these years, but he never really had any business sense. Years ago, Jack gave him a loan to help keep the business afloat, but was too busy to teach him how to keep it running. Now Jack is digging us out once more, and I swear it will be the last time. This is our last chance to get it right.
“Good morning, love bug!”
My sister is ridiculous with these names. “You finally nailed Bennett? There’s no other reason for you to be so chipper in the morning.”
“Chipper? That's something Dad would say.”
I shrug. She’s right. “You're avoiding the question.”
“No, I didn't nail Bennett.” She rolls her eyes. “But maybe I should take him to The Range bathroom.”
My body freezes and I slowly meet her eyes. The smirk she’s wearing has trouble written all over it. “What did you say?”
“Was he a big guy? Those stalls are pretty small.” She says it nonchalantly while pulling the coffees out of the paper tray.
“Where did you hear that?”
“Meadow’s boy toy told her that the night we were there someone was banging in the bathroom. Said he thought it was one of the girls in our group. Then I remembered you disappearing for a bit.” Her expression reads like she already knows it all, and she’s baiting me with her tone.
I look away and shrug. “Wasn’t me.”
“I’m not mad about it. I’m actually impressed. My stuck-up sister getting railed in the men's room is just what she needs.”
She falls over with laughter, grabbing onto me, and I can't help but laugh with her. “Seriously, big sister, I love this for you.”
I shake my head. “You and Courtney share a brain. I told her and she’s happy too.”
“So it’s true?!” She eyes me with a look of suspicion but she already knows. “Are you going to see him again?”
I close my eyes. “I don't even know his name.”
Her eyes widen. “And here I thought you were Miss Prim and Proper.”
“Oh please. I've never been called that. Dad would be turning in his grave if he saw me with a baby out of wedlock and now banging guys without names.”
“Dad would have loved Lily whether you were married or not, and you know it. Now, fucking strangers is something I’m sure he’d be appalled by.”
The front doorbell chimes, and Mom walks in with Lily. “That didn't last long,” I say, greeting Lily with a smile. She comes running to me. “Why are you awake so early?” I scoop her up and she cuddles into me.
“She got up just after you pulled out. She’s so attuned to you, January. We had a quick breakfast and then she insisted on coming down here.”
The bell rings signaling someone is at the back door.
“Eek! Delivery!” Blossom whispers to me, “Speaking of fucking strangers!”
“Blossom,” I call out her name with all the authority I can muster. “Don’t.”