Page 71 of The Valentine's Bet
It has to be.
I’m pretty sure this is the longest a date has gone without somethingmajorhappening—usually involving Parker.
“You ready?” Brad smiles and offers a hand to help me out of the booth.
“A true gentleman.” I smile in return and take his hand. His fingers don’t let go of mine as we walk out of the coffee shop, and he holds the door open for me.
He really is a gentleman.
“Lead the way to your place,” he says, still flashing me that heart-melting gaze.
“It’s super sweet that you want to make sure I get home safe, but...” My voice trails off as I glance down the street. “I don’t usually let people know where I live on the first date.”
“Ah, smart move.” Brad doesn’t sound put off at all. “Then I guess we can just go to mine. I’ll grab an Uber. It’s too far to walk from here.”
“Oh ... Um...” I begin, meeting his gaze with uncertainty. However, he must read it the wrong way because before I know it, he presses his lips to mine.
His breath tastes like coffee and his cologne issuffocating.
And I don’t feelanything.
Well, nothingpositive.
I press my hands against his chest, breaking off the kiss. “Sorry ... I mean, I don’t do this kind of thing—definitely not on the first date.”
“Technically this is the second date,” Brad says through a gritted smile, leaning back down to kiss me again. I back away. I can tell he’s offended. His eyes darken as he looks down at me.
“It’s really just an extension of the first,” I say curtly, pulling out my phone and ordering myownUber home. “I think I’ll get a ride home.”
His brows shoot up. “Are youseriousright now? I just bought your coffee, sat there, listened to your spiel about romance—and you’re bailing on me? What did I do wrong?”
I look up from my phone, confused. “I don’t understand what that’s even supposed to mean. I had a nice time.”Well, until that kiss.“I just don’t go home with someone on the first date. I already made that clear.”
“But it’s technically—”
“I don’t go home with someone on the second date, either,” I level with him, growing irritated. “I don’t go home with someone atall.I’m not a one-night stand kind of girl.”
“You could’ve fooled me with how eager you were.”
I drop my phone to my side, thankful my ride is only a few minutes away. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Uh, don’t act like you weren’t just all over me. Youreallymade it seem like you wanted—”
“I don’t want anything from you.”
Great, now I’m mad.
Maybe Parker is right. Maybe Iambad at love.
“Come on.” He steps toward me, his model-good looks suddenly not all that charming. “You’re beautiful, smart, and you deserve a night of fun. I can give that to you.”
I curl my lip in disgust. “No thanks.” My eyes flicker away from him as a black Tahoe pulls up to the curb.
Get me outta here.
Brad takes one more step toward me.“Don’t leave.”
“I have pepper spray,” I warn.