Page 70 of The Valentine's Bet
“Obviously not tonight.” Brad bursts into laughter. “We all suffer from moments like that—trust me. I can be devoted to someone, but if a hot woman walks by... I’m gonna notice. I’m not suddenly blind just because I’m taken.”
I half-smile as my heart sinks. “Oh ... well, maybe that’s true.”
“Of course, it is. I’m not going to lie to you, Amy. It’s better to be upfront than it is to lie.” Brad reaches across the table and takes my hand. “But I have to say, it’d be hard to compare anyone toyou. You’re gorgeous.”
“Thank you.” I blush, letting him hold my hand. It’s warm, but my heart isn’t racing.
In fact, I’m still stuck on the idea that Parker was rude enough to blatantly check another woman out while with his date...
Not cool.
But it doesn’t matter. This isn’t about Parker.
“So, where did you grow up?” I ask, pulling my hand away lightly to pick up my hot drink.
“I grew up in Los Angeles,” he answers with a shrug. “I thought I’d never leave, but then I realized I didn’t belong there.”
“I’ve never been.”
“You haven’t?” Brad looks surprised. “Well, I’ll be honest. You’re not missing out on much these days. When I was a kid, I used to think it was really something to be in the same town as so many celebrities ... but that wore off.”
“I take it you’re not into celebrities anymore?” I give him a playful touch on his forearm.
He shakes his head. “Not really. Once I got into the firm my father started and I had to represent those kinds of people in court, I realized they were just like the rest of us—only a lot bigger handfuls. I don’t know.” Brad pauses, giving me a thoughtful look. “I lost my taste for the city, so I moved here instead.”
“Do you still work as a lawyer?”
He nods. “I’m a criminal defense attorney—the most hated of them all.” Brad flashes another one of those smiles at me, and my stomach tightens.
“Sometimes you help people who are innocent,” I reason.
He hesitates and then laughs. “Yeah, that rarely happens. Most of the time, they’re incredibly guilty.”
I frown. “That must be hard, then.”
“I don’t know. It’s just what I do.” He picks up his coffee and takes a long sip, eyeing me over it. “I don’t condone their crimes.”
A giggle slips from my lips. “I didn’t think you did.”
“You had averyconcerned look on your face,” he says, setting his cup down and smiling. “But I’m no criminal.”
“Good to know.” I laugh. “I haven’t gotten my background check back on you yet.”
“Ha ha.” He shakes his head at me. “You know, though, that’s not a bad idea these days. You’d be surprised at what people have done in their past. Sometimes they grow out of mischief, but sometimes ... they don’t.” Something in his voice shifts when he says that, and I find myself on the edge of my seat.
“Do you have personal experience with that?”
He laughs. “Too much. I once dated a woman who stalked me for a few months after we broke up. That was a real ride, but I don’t think you look like a stalker.”
“No.” I giggle. “Definitely not.”
“I mean, we all stalk people to some degree on social media these days, though,” he points out, the humor returning to his gaze. “I’m not so sure that it’s a good thing.”
“I agree.” I sip more on my coffee, noting that it’s losing its warmth.How long have we been here?I glance down atmy watch.It’s almost midnight.I look up at Brad, who’s watching me. “I probably should head home now. It’s getting kind of late.”
“Yeah, of course. I’m ready to get out of here, too.” He gives me a wink before standing to his feet. “Let me just go pay for the coffees.”
I smile and take the moment alone to check my phone. There’s one notification from Eliza asking how the date went. I text her back quickly, letting her know that it’sstillgoing. That’s a good sign, right?