Page 87 of For the Birds
I took off after her and heard Neely Kate say, “Sorry, Jeanne. We won’t be needin’ any of that!” before she sprinted afterme.
I burst through the automatic doors and shouted, “Muffy!”
She’d made it halfway across the parking lot when a car door slammed. Seconds later, a car peeled out of a parking space and headed toward the back of the parking lot with Muffy in fast pursuit.
“Muffy!” I shouted in a stern voice. “Come!”
She stopped in her tracks and glanced back at me before turning to watch the speedingcar.
She was growling, and I was scared she was going to take off after it again, but she just released a loud bark before trotting back to me and NeelyKate.
“What do you make of that?” Neely Kate asked.
“She didn’t like something abouthim.”
“Did you see who itwas?”
I shook my head. “He was a blur, but it was definitely a guy—dark hair, dark T-shirt, jeans . . .”
“You just described half the men in the county,” she said in a dry tone. “But Muffy sure didn’t likehim.”
That was exactly what had me worried. “I need to get mygun.”
Neely Kate shot me a look of surprise.
“For all we know that guy was here to kidnap me again. I need to be prepared.” I turned around and started to head back inside. “I need that pocket knife.”
She grabbed my arm and stopped me. “Rose. Maybe you should hide out for a few days. Maybe stay with Skeeter or even leavetown.”
I stared at her in disbelief. “One minute you’re pushin’ me on Levi, and the next you’re shovin’ me back toward James. We can’t have it both ways, NeelyKate.”
“I know,” she said with fear in her eyes. “I’m scared.”
“I’m not hidin’. I spent the first twenty-four years of my life hidin’, and I’m done.” I took a breath. I needed to focus on the task at hand. “Someone tried to kidnap me last night, and I can’t help thinking they were about to try it again.”
“Maybe we should tellJoe.”
I considered it for a moment before shaking my head. “He’d lock me up and throw away the key to hide me. I need to keep lookin’ for Scooter. And the parrot . . .” My voice dropped off when I saw Miss Mildred walk out with her cart full of pastries. “What in the world do you think she’s upto?”
Neely Kate followed my gaze. “Committing suicide by sugar overload?”
“No. She’s too ornery forthat.”
“Maybe we should follow her and make sure she’s okay,” Neely Kate said. “If she’s as out of it as she’s acting, she’s liable to drive to New Orleans before she figures out she took a wrongturn.”
She had a point. “Okay, but then I want to go home and get my gun.” Too bad we hadn’t found out when Jeanne got offwork.
Miss Mildred tossed her multiple bags into the trunk of her car and pushed her shopping cart into the corral.
“What is she doin’?” Neely Kate asked in disbelief. “She tossed those cakes and pies and everything in her trunk like they were dirty laundry.”
“Maybe she’s on a medication that makes her confused.”
“That’s the only explanation I can think of that makes sense.”