Page 86 of For the Birds
She stoodupright but kept her back to me. “You must be mistaken. Would you please remove your dog?” Her voice had an odd high pitch to it, which seemed unnatural, and there was a scarf tied around her head andneck.
Muffy continued tugging at herleg.
Neely Kate came to a skidding stop at the end of the aisle and her eyes widened. “Miss Mildred? What in heaven’s name are you doin’ with all those baked goods?”
Sure enough, her cart was half full of cakes, packages of cookies, a half dozen cupcakes, two pies, and a few loaves of bread. “Are you opening a bakery?”
She turned around and glared at me . . . or at least I thought so based on the set of her jaw. She was wearing sunglasses that completely concealed hereyes.
What in the world was she upto?
She turned around and grabbed hold of the cart. “That’s none of your daggum business.”
“Are you wearing a disguise?” Neely Kate asked.
She didn’t answer, but I realized Neely Kate was right. How else could she go out and buy all these prepackaged baked goods? If anyone in the garden club caught her, she’d likely be expelled.
“What are you really up to?” I asked.
“None of your business.”
I caught Neely Kate’s eye, and she looked just as worried as I felt. I bent down and pried Muffy off Miss Mildred’s pant leg. When I stood, Muffy released a soft whine.
“Miss Mildred,” I said. “Are youokay?”
“I was okay until your dog attacked me! How’d that mongrel get inside this store? I’m going to call security.”
I ran my hand over Muffy’s head as she intently stared at my elderly neighbor. Muffy knew something was uptoo.
A woman wearing a blue vest walked over, shooting a glare at Muffy. “Dogs aren’t allowed in the store.”
Miss Mildred turned to the manager. “Her flea-infested dog attackedme.”
“Muffy does not have fleas,” I protested, holding her closer.
The manager frowned. “We’re gonna need you to leave.”
“I’ll pay for my things andgo.”
The manager gave me a grim look. “Just don’t cause any more trouble.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Jeanne was still holding the pocket knife, staring in wide-eyed disbelief when I carried Muffy back to the checkoutlane.
“Still no price,” she said, sounding rattled. I wasn’t surprised. There were four carts backing up behind my empty one, not to mention there was a huge cleanup needed at the end of her aisle.
“Let’s just pay for the rest of these things and go,” Neely Katesaid.
“No. The pocket knife was the most important thing,” I protested.
“I’m sure Witt has one you canuse.”
Which meant I would once again be relying on someone else to take care of me. “No. I’m buying this one.” But before I’d finished my sentence, Muffy started growling and wiggling in my arms. “Muffy. It’s okay, gir—”
She jumped out of my arms again, growling as she bolted toward the frontdoor.