Page 34 of Legend of Scorpio
“I thought true love conquered all.”
“Not always. And I’m of the belief you can love more than once.”
“Meaning you’re still looking for Mr. Right?”
“Yes. Unlike you, I would like to get married someday to someone who will respect my dreams and desires.”
“And not turn you into a baby-making Suzy-homemaker.”
“Exactly!” she huffed, more from a lack of breath. As they rounded the next bend and she eyed the next flight, she whined, “Is it much farther?”
“Yes.” Without warning, he grabbed her in his arms. She squealed but latched on as he bounded up the next two flights.
He set her down when they arrived at his floor, and she shook her head. “You really have no concept of asking first, do you?”
“Wait, that wasn’t you asking?” he stated not so innocently.
A noise left her that was part laugh, part rueful. “Are you sure you’re only a century old? Because your manners are more caveman at times.”
His laughter rang loud and without remorse. “What can I say, I was born in a time when men coddled women.”
“You mean acted as if they had no brains and couldn’t do anything for themselves.”
“Having lived in that era, I can actually state that isn’t true. Yes, women didn’t have the right to vote and own property and stuff, but many households relied on their matriarchs to make the big decisions. Without them, families fell apart. Obviously, this wasn’t the case for all women, but the same stands true today. Strong women have always found a way to make their wants and needs known.”
“Yet, here I am. Decorated scientist reduced to a maiden locked in a tower,” she countered.
“Someone has to keep you safe.” He opened the door to his suite.
“I’m still not sure anything would happen to me if I went home.”
“True, but in this case, if I’m wrong, the worst that happens is you spend a bit of time in the tower. If you’re wrong, you could end up a prisoner, or dead.”
“Is this your way of saying you wouldn’t save me?” she tartly replied as she entered the room.
“Oh, I’d save you, but do you really want to hear me say I told you so?”
At that, she laughed. “Guess I would deserve it.” His conviction did prove contagious. Would she be in danger if she returned to her old life?
The better question, did she even want to return? She had to admit that the last two days had added a level of excitement she’d never thought she’d enjoy. The wonder of discovery. The new things she kept learning. Then there was the man who made her toes curl.
“Wanna play some video games?”
“What do you have?”
“Counter-Strike, Call of Duty…”
“I’m not into first-person shooter games,” she stated with a wrinkle of her nose.
“How about bowling?”
“You have an alley in the tower?” she exclaimed before adding, “I am not doing more stairs today.”
He laughed. “We can do it right here. I’ve got the game on my console. All you have to do is swing a remote.”
“You’re on. But I warn you, I used to be pretty good in college.”
She still was. Scorpio moaned and declared himself emasculated when she beat him five games in a row. Not that he acted the poor sport about it. There was much laughter, teasing, and fun. No talking about the company or the orb or the future. Just two people having a good time.