Page 33 of Legend of Scorpio
“Should we be thinking of mounting a mission to take this other seer into custody?” Scorpio didn’t like the idea of another one running around, foiling future missions.
“Maybe, but first we’d have to find out where they’re located and then hope they don’t have a vision that allows them to escape any attempt.” Aries sipped from his wine glass. “Whatever we do, we’ll have to be careful. Cetus wanted to capture you. If we try to nab this other seer, they could end up seeing it and warning them so they can lay a trap,” Aries cautioned.
“I do enjoy a challenge,” Scorpio quipped.
“I’d rather not have to save your ass because you moved too quickly,” was Aries’ dry retort.
“Me, rush in?” Scorpio chuckled. “I think best on the fly and on my feet.”
“Don’t do anything without running it by me first.”
“Yes, boss.”
“In other news, the tower’s been doing some upgrades,” Aries threw out casually.
Scorpio frowned. “What kind of upgrades?”
“When you get a chance, pop outside and take a look. The exterior of it seems to have grown an extra layer, and there’s now a moat.”
“A moat?” Scorpio exclaimed.
Aries nodded. “And I don’t recommend going for a swim. It’s not water, but some kind of acid. Very corrosive.”
Scorpio whistled. “Damn. What’s the tower know that we don’t?”
“Strife is coming,” Sage murmured. “And if we don’t prevail, then everything is lost.”
The dinner ended notlong after Sage’s dire prediction. While the men acted as if her utterance were a normal thing, Rebecca waited until they’d left the couple to hiss, “What the heck is going on? Is Sage serious when she claims the end is coming?”
“The endmightbe coming,” Scorpio corrected. “Keep in mind, the futures she sees aren’t set in stone. There is some wiggle room.”
“Surely if she sees something bad, she could explain what, and when, so it could be countered.”
“She’s restricted in the sense she only gets shown pieces. From those glimpses, we do our best to avert calamity.”
“And has it worked? Can you stop bad things from happening?”
“Most of the time. I recently disbanded a horrific child-trafficking ring because Sage saw enough to lead me to them. But other times, we hear it on the news like everyone else. The Twin Towers were one of our failures. She predicted a terrorist event, knew it would involve planes, but couldn’t pinpoint where and when.”
Rebecca went silent for a second as they climbed stairs before quietly saying, “That must be emotionally difficult to handle. To be shown horrific futures and then be unable to stop them.”
“It is. Aries is her rock when that happens. Before him, she used to get either really high or drunk or both, and let me tell you, a wasted seer is not a pleasant thing because she looks right through you and tells you some messed-up shit.”
“Like?” she asked, starting to huff as they climbed the third set of winding stairs.
“Well, she told me I’d never figure out how to whistle. Oh, and that I’d get married.”
She snorted. “That’s not so horrible.”
“Um, it is to me. One, men are supposed to know how to whistle, and two, I’m single for a reason: because I like it.”
“Only because you’ve never fallen in love.”
“Says the woman who dumped her fiancé. Or are you going to tell me you didn’t love him?”
She didn’t reply for a moment because he raised a valid point. “I loved him but not enough to give up who I wanted to be.”