Page 30 of That Summer
She slumped back into the couch. “Yeah, that’s what Lucas said too.”
“It was meant to show you, or help remind you, of what makes you happy. Somewhere along the way, you lost those things. Depression took over, which is natural with what you went through. It’s my job to help you get through that. To find a new lease on life. We’re only on this planet for a short time in the grand scheme of things, why not make it the best we can? If…” His focus went to the crumpled piece of paper. “Listening to the waves crash on a beach makes you happy, then listen to them. There’s lots of music with waves on it if you can’t make it to a real beach.” He slid forward. “Do the things that make you happy. Find out what makes your heart happy and focus on that. It’s too easy to go down the rabbit hole of dark thoughts.”
“You’re telling me.” Her foot tapped against the coffee table leg. That rabbit hole pulled her down deep not too long ago.
“I believe you can do it. I believe there’s a fight in you. To win out against the drug use. Against the PTSD. To be the person you want to be.”
She slumped back in her seat, arms folded tightly over her body. “How?”
“I have a plan.”
Chapter Eight
Stretching and slowly working the kinks out, she ambled her way down the hall. Aurora peeked into the living room. Lucas’ arm dangled off the couch as he slept. Soft snores escaped his partially opened mouth. She couldn’t help but smile at the comical nature of it. With Nate it was different. She found it adorable. With Lucas, she wanted to grab a sharpie and draw a mustache on his face and snap a picture.
She got the coffee going, lingering over the tin as she inhaled the scent of dark roasted beans. Nothing much beat the smell of fresh coffee. Eager to start her day, she went back to the bedroom. As she walked by her dresser, she stopped and stared at the list of fifty things. Items were written down in a messy, cursive she wasn’t familiar with.
Holding it up, she stared at the four new items.
#19 – having just enough milk for a bowl of cereal
#20 – the barista spelling your name right
#21 – the perfect turkey/cheese/mayo/cucumber sandwich
#22 – freshly brushed teeth
She laughed and read the words again. Someone was taking notes, and that someone was sleeping in her living room. What a guy.
After a hot shower and freshly scrubbed teeth, she poured herself a coffee and started breakfast. The aroma of batter and heated maple syrup permeated the air. Flipping a fresh pancake, she jumped when, from the corner of her eye, she saw movement.
“Geezus, Lucas. You frightened me.”
He laughed, and stretched so high, his shirt rose above his belly button. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s okay.” She flipped another pancake onto the serving plate. “Hope you’re hungry.”
“Indeed.” He reached beside her and grabbed a couple of plates.
“I saw the list.”
He ran fingers through his untamed hair and smiled sheepishly at her. “What list?”
“Oh stop. You know.”
“Yeah, I do.” He winked.
“Are you taking notes on me?”
“No. I just happened to notice what made you smile. You made a comment yesterday at breakfast about the milk. Then there was that barista at GrabbaJoes who spelled your name correctly, and you got all giddy about it.” He finished setting the table. “Your shrink said they don’t have to be major things. Just whatever makes you happy. Sometimes the little things really are big things, and you just don’t see them.”
“A little early for being philosophical, isn’t it?”
“Nah, it’s after nine.”
Aurora brought the stack of warm pancakes to the table and hesitated for a moment. “When was the last time you checked in with your mom?”
He seemed unfazed by it. “Am I staying here too much and this is your polite way of asking me to leave?”