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Page 20 of Return to Cheshire Bay

And alsoeasily turned on.

I stoodnaked in my bedroom, running my hands overmy filled-out body. My boobs were biggerand had a bit of weight to them as I cupped them. Just holding themcaused the nipples to harden and pop out. But the biggest surprisewas how thinking about Eric caused my lower body to tingle andache. There would be nothing between us, as I’d pushed away hisadvances, but that didn’t stop the fantasy from playing out wildlyin my head and ending with a little personal time.

Therewas something freeing about being naked, at least in the privacy ofmy own home. Eric wasout on the water, so I was in no rush to get dressed and evenwalked out on to the newly finished floor on the balcony off mybedroom. The sun was nice, and the breeze cooled my body, but onlyon the surface. A mental image of my neighbour–topless–working onmy cupboard doors floated through my mind and fired up the embersof desire. I needed to get into the water and cool downpronto.

Ilocated a bikini top with enough coverage to not be consideredsluttybut with enoughsupport that I didn’t get uniboob, threw my hair in a top knot,grabbed a towel, and made my way out to the beach. How crazy was itthat despite how long I’d been here already, this would be my firstdip in the water since my arrival? When I was a kid, it would’vebeen fifteen minutes max before I was dripping wet.

Istretched out my towel and sat upon it, my hands supporting me as I leaned back soakingup the sunshine and watched the surfers from behind my oversizedsunglasses while a deep ache still nestled between my legs. Ishould’ve taken care of business before coming down.

Ericlined up perfectly withme and rode the waves like he was an all-star surfing champ, andwho knows, maybe he was. Since that first week, neither of ustalked about the past, or the years in between my visits to thebay.

Boardunder his arm, he walked within a couple feet of my towel. Water ran in rivulets down hisbright green wetsuit and made puddles as he stood along the edge ofthe wet sand.

“Hope you’rewearing sunscreen?”

“Nah. Itan well. Haven’t burntyet.”

It was a geneticgift, and even though I was sporting more of a tank top tan than myteenage years of bikini straps would’ve liked, my skin was a decentbronzed colour. Aside from the sun-reflecting belly.

“You shouldregardless.”

And youcould run it all over me.

I toremy gaze away. What was wrong with me? Eric and I were friends. Iwas leaving in month to go home. There simply couldn’t beanything.He wasn’tlikely interested in screwing a pregnant chick; there was too muchbelly in the way. Besides that, he said last time he simply readtoo much into situations, so he wasn’t interested, only reacting tothe feelers I was putting out, which wasn’t much if I controlledmyself.

Ibreathed in a long breath of salty sea air and listened tothe waves lap against thebeach.

“Tell youwhat, if I feel my skin warming up, I’ll take a dip.” But as I saidit, I was feeling warm already.

Maybe itwas the way Eric’s eyes roamed across me, taking in my partiallycovered body. Maybe it was because the sky was cloudless and the sun beat its energy,having no mercy. Whatever it was, my body was heating up, the achebetween my legs intensified into a low throb, and the flicker ofdesire in Eric’s dark eyes didn’t help.

“Youknow what, maybe I will go for a swim now.” I rolled myself to a stand, and before Igot on my feet, Eric extended his hand, which I gratefully took.“Can’t wait to see how much of a whale I’ll be when I’mdue.”

“I’m sureyou’ll still be beautiful.” He turned his head away quickly.

Myheartthrummed in mychest, but I didn’t know how to respond to his statement. Instead,he let go of my hand and allowed me to lead the way into the water.The ocean was cool and sent an intense shiver of goosebumps over mybody, but even though it was only my feet fully immersed, my bodystarted to cool down. Thank goodness, now if it only worked to dullthe ache. Slowly, I inched my way in, bending over and splashingthe sea up my legs.

“Not toofar.” A warning clicked on the edge of Eric’s tongue.“The undertow is quitestrong this year.”

“ThenI’ll sit here.” Gaspingbreathlessly as my fire-hot centre splashed into the coolwater, I shuddered a breath.

The push andpull of the tide was mesmerizing, and I found myself leaning backfurther on my arms, the wet sand slowly enveloping them.Eventually, I was far enough back my head was floating. I smiled atEric as he looked down on me. It was soul lifting to be back in thewater.

As I laythere floating, I gauged the changing expression on his face.Hiseyes sailed over mybody again but settled on the bald island poking above the water,just as my little one sent out a noticeable kick. His eyes grewlarge.

“Want tofeel?” I sat up,watching as the belly island sunk back into the ocean.

“I… I…”He searched my face andI reached for his hand, hovering it above the last movement. “Yeah,sure.”

Withthat, I pressed his hand against the side of my belly and thelittle one respondedwith a karate chop.

“Wow, that’sreally cool.”

Icherished watching his expression. For weeks now, I’d been feeling movement, and itmade me happy to see someone other than me get a kick out of it.But it had been a bad idea. Just having his hand on me fired up thedormant butterflies, and the pounding of my heart had to have givena jolt of energy to the baby as it started step-dancing over mybladder.

“Does it dothat all the time?” His eyes remained large and focused.

“Mostlyat night. During theday, he’s pretty silent.”

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