Page 19 of Return to Cheshire Bay
However,sexy times were over. Myexpanding waistline was a major turnoff, and was an incredible formof birth control, especially since no one would touch me anyway.When the baby arrived, any lingering desires would be kiboshed.Completely. Yep, the moment Parker walked away, that was the end ofmy sex life.
For thenext two weeks, I attacked my placewith renewed energy. The cupboard doors came offand were given a light sanding and a paint job. As an interestingbonus, I’d found another inscription underneath a drawer. Dad sureloved leaving his mark on the place.
Atfirst, on Beth’s suggestions, I swore she’d made a mistake in her colour choices,but once I had the doors back in place, I had to admit, it gave abrand-new look and feel to the place. With the table back in place,the kitchen had a modern and bright appearance, while at the sametime suited the environment.
If Iwentforward with myplans to rent it out in the fall, I was sure it wouldn’t be longbefore I could find a suitable guest. If I went that way. I had thead all drafted and ready, and selected the best site to host it on.However, the more time I spent fixing it up, the more I wanted tokeep it all to myself, but on the flip side of that coin, I alsoknew I couldn’t live here full time. Not with the baby. CheshireBay wasn’t for raising families, just visiting withthem.
Besides, while Iwas painting and sanding, menial work I originally despised, Ifound myself rather enjoying it. I was no interior decorator, andleft those ideas to Beth, but I enjoyed running the little sander,and seeing the results from the effort I’d put into my work lit meup in a way I didn’t expect. Such a change from sitting in anoffice all day, typing away.
Whilethe days kept me busy, the nights were a little quieter. Every so often, I’d sit on theback porch with my sexy as hell neighbour. Eric had a beer andtalked about some of his more interesting passengers, and theplaces he visited on the island. It was a friendly environment, asafe space. No one brought up my past and it actually wasn’t givena whole lot of worry either. On the back deck, I was free to beme.
“Hey,”Eric called over his deck, across the small strip of space betweenusand into my kitchen.“It’s going to be a hot one, and I strongly suggest you keep cooltoday.”
“Youjust can’t wait to see me in a bikini, right?” Thank god itcame out in a whisper. Myhormones had no self-control.
“Whydon’t you come in the water today?”
Because I’m awhale?
I gavemystretched-out skin arub. I was thirty-three weeks pregnant, and my belly now sportedits own zip code, even if the local family doctor assured meeverything was okay. He wasn’t as sweet and kind as my doctor backhome was, but since it was just a quick checkup, it was tolerable.However, the heat was pressing on me and even just dipping my toesin the ocean would be a welcome reprieve from the heat.
“You knowwhat, maybe I’ll just get my feet wet.”
Thehumidity was risingrapidly, and the marine forecast predicted a doozy of a storm.Probably why all the surfers were back in town and riding the wavesdown at long beach, where the waves would be bigger. On our edge ofthe coastline, the swells were pretty decent here and a noviceboarder could still have a good time.
“Youdon’t want to overheat, remember?” Eric had been a good friend tolean on when I overworked myselfand gave the best back and shouldermassages.
“Fine.”The cooling down would help me focus, as I neededto start coming up witha business plan. With no job and a baby on the way, the buyoutwasn’t going to last forever. As it was, I was still paying rent onan apartment I hadn’t seen in over a month. “I’ll be out there in alittle bit.”
Eric noddedand disappeared back into his house.
I was headingup to my room when my phone rang, Beth’s face showing on thedisplay.
“Listen,I don’t have much time to talk.”
Irolled my eyes.Typical.
“I’mcoming in for an overnightvisit. Booked myself a little charter as the company’spaying for it, since we can do a shoot for the local magazine onbeach house renovations. Should be there on Saturday. Does thatwork for you?”
“Yourroom’s beenmade up for some time just waiting for the perfect guest.” I sighedand rummaged through my drawer, finding a bikini bottom. I liftedit up wondering if it would even cover my hips anymore.
“Fine. Did youget the pano?”
“Yesterday. Ihung it up and you’re right, it looks great.”
It was asunset view from thewater looking in towards the shore, the windows reflecting theorange of the sun – the pop of colour Beth said I needed. I’mpositive if I could zoom in on it, the houses dotting the water’sedge were of my bay.
“Toldyou it would work.”Hernails clicked against her keyboard. “I got to run, meeting with oneof the Jonas’ brothers at his rental in an hour. Saturday. Noon.Pick me up from the airport?”
“I’ll bethere.”
“Seeyou then.”She hung up without another word.
I gotlonger goodbyes from thehardware people than I did my best friend. I brushed off feelingsniggling at the back of my head. Beth was busy, the quintessentialcity girl always on the run. Had I changed so much over the monththat her clipped tones were grating my nerves? Nah, it had to bepregnancy induced. According to the book, I was at that stage whereI was quickly agitated.