Page 97 of Error Handling
“We better go sand those floors.”
We leave my apartment and head back to her place. She’s quiet during the drive, maybe processing what just happened on my couch. I know I am.
Just as I throw the car into park in front of her house, my phone buzzes. Sarah’s in a hurry to check on Dolly, so I tell her I’ll be right behind her.
Before kicking open my door, I check the text that just came through. It’s from Joe Riley, my friend who referred me to the job in Puerto Rico.
Luis said you haven’t contacted him for an interview yet. He needs to fill the positions this week. He said to call him Monday to talk. I hope things are going well there.
I reread the text a few times, take a deep breath before punching in,Will do. Then, I stuff the phone back into my pocket and crank the door handle.
Chapter 16
Chris Butcher makes no sense.
We returned to my apartment Saturday, and he spent all afternoon and evening sanding my living room floor. That part makes sense. The part that doesn’t make sense is his exit. After kissing on his couch for a half an hour, I expected a goodbye kiss. Maybe a goodbye make-out session. A peck on the cheek. Anything.
Instead, I went into my bathroom to take a quick shower, and when I came out, he was gone. No goodbye. No nothing.
On Sunday, he texted me to say he wouldn’t be over because he was on call with At Your Service.
And now, Monday afternoon, this:Sorry. I’m on call.
That was his answer to my lengthy text:My car sputtered all the way home from Kroger yesterday. Never mind that I just paid five hundred dollars to replace the fuel injector. Ugh. Anyway, I called the Nissan dealership, and they can look at it tomorrow, but I need to drop it off tonight. Could you follow me over there, so Idon’t end up stranded in traffic? (And also bring me home because I don’t feel like sleeping in their waiting room
I expected a response like, “Oh my gosh, I’m glad you made it home safe,” or “Wow, I hope it’s not too expensive to fix.” Instead, I got,Sorry, I’m on call.I could use a little less of his minimalism right about now.
I sit on my couch and ponder my options. Cassie mentioned she had a baby shower to go to tonight, and Luna has a class on Monday nights. I could take an Uber. I hate taking Ubers. I stare at my phone.
I know one person who would probably drop everything to help me.
I pull up my messaging app.
Hey. What’s your Monday night looking like?
Ramen and a basketball game, Christopher instantly replies.
You eat ramen too?I ask.
Nom nom nom.
Dinner of champions.
I chase it with protein powder, Christopher responds.
What’s up?he adds.
I explain my situation, that I need to have my car fixed in time to pick my mom up from the airport on Saturday, and that I hope it isn’t going to cost an arm and a leg because I only have four left.
Four arms and four legs?Christopher texts.
Ha ha. Two of each. Anyway, I hate calling an Uber, I’m always afraid they’re going to take me to their house and lock me in their basement.
No problem. I’ll be there in twenty.