Page 2 of Moonlit Bonds
I’ve always loved rocks. Seeing so many polished and perfect specimens in the display window takes me back to when my parents used to bring the family on vacation for rockhounding. It was always a cheap but thrilling trip, especially when mom would challenge us to see who could find the biggest gemstone or mineral deposit. Rico could always sniff out the larger deposits, but I had a thing for finding amethyst. Even now,there is something about that precious purple stone that has me itching to head into the store to buy a piece.
Then again, nothing can replace digging it from the earth myself. Not that I have time for that sort of thing anymore. Not after becoming alpha of the Blood Valley Pack.
With one more quick look at the display, I pick up my pace and head over to Vinny’s. Quincy and Rico stand outside waiting for me.
“It took you long enough,” Rico says, his voice gruff with annoyance. “I’ve been watching all of the single ladies go inside. They’re in there waiting for me to sweep them off their feet.”
“All of them?” Q asks with a shake of his head.
“At least three.” Rico rubs his hands together as his gaze follows a woman in a short pink skirt sauntering by. “The choices are endless tonight.”
When it comes to the opposite sex, Rico isn’t picky. He’s all about playing the field or, in his words, having a taste test before settling down with a real mate. Of course, being the youngest, he has that freedom. He’ll never have the pressures of bonding and having a family like I do. It’s one of the many things expected from the alpha, and according to the elder pack members—like my father—I’ve put it off long enough.
The three of us head inside, Rico crossing the threshold first to assess for danger before I follow him.
In the corner of the busy space, a live musician strums his guitar, creating an ambiance that differs from the usual DJ. Couples slow dance by the pool tables and the buzz of light-hearted conversations rises and falls with the song’s tempo. The three of us make our way to the bar to order drinks. Once I gulp back a few swigs of my beer, I glance around the roomonly to seeher.
Seraphina Rose Putnam.
The bottom drops out from under me and my insides go twisted in seconds.
We went to high school together what feels like eons ago. We never ran in the same circles, never associated with each other. She was just someone I saw in passing and always felt drawn to, but couldn’t pursue because of pack laws. Wolves stick with wolves. Not humans, not other supes. Just our kind. She’s definitely not someone I expected to see here.
After graduation, I’ve always wondered what happened to her… And here she is.
I’d never forget that face. Or the way my body reacts whenever she’s around. It’s like a tugging of an invisible string that her soul holds. It’s even stronger now than it was back then—a full on yank of my heart.
She’s just a girl, I tell myself. No, a woman now, but I can’t stop my gaze from taking in all that I can. Her dark hair is pulled into an attractive messy bun, and she is wearing a simple black tank and high-waisted jeans. She might be the most underdressed person in the place, but she’s still making heads turn. Beautiful without even trying.
I down the rest of my beer with my target in mind. No one else will do. I have to have Seraphina. “I’ll be back,” I say to Q and my brother before striding her way.
With her back to me, I draw in a deep breath and say the first thing on my mind. Which I regret instantly. “Let me guess, quick trip to the gem store?”
She spins, looks at me, and her nose crinkles in confusion. “I beg your pardon?”
Smooth, Kieran. Fucking smooth.
She grabs her necklace, an amethyst amulet that glints under the lights. I can’t help but think about how alike she is to that necklace. A hidden treasure.She has a pair of onyx teardrops hanging from her ears and a tiger’s eye bracelet across her wrist.
“What I was trying to say was that you don’t look like you belong here. More like that gemstone shop down the street.” I’m not sure if she recognizes me, but that may be a good thing. I don’t want her to remember the pimple-faced kid I’d been back then. Only the stronger, much more attractive man I am today.
But it’s too late. Recognition settles in her eyes.
“Wait… Kieran Merek?” She cranes in closer. “Is that really you?”
I nod.
There it is again—another hard pull at my heart. Like her very being is teasing me, urging me to get closer.
Maybe it’s just nerves? Anticipation?
Seraphina smiles. “I never thought I’d see you again. But I guess there are worse things to do on a Friday night than catch up with an old school friend.” She gives me the same kind of once-over I’d given her. “I suppose you’re dressed for a good time?”
“I don’t need clothes to have a good time.”
She blushes, and I find myself thinking about how flushed she’d be lying underneath me as I plunge my cock into her tightness. The thought surprises me but has me prickling with heat. It came on me quickly this time, and once the feeling settles in, it digs roots into my psyche until she is the only thing I think about. “How about a drink, Sera?”
She hesitates, and I watch her face go through a whole litany of emotions before she says, “Okay. A drink sounds good.”