Page 1 of Moonlit Bonds
My sister looks at me like I just proposed we tell the world we actually have magic, when all I’ve done was suggest a ladies’ night at Vinny’s Bar. No big deal, right?
“Come on, Madeline,” I say as I pick up a brilliant red-orange carnelian flame crystal and touch a finger to its tip. “We’re due a little fun.”
She grunts, unimpressed with me and the crystal. “We just had fun, remember? A whole week in Arizona at the gem and mineral show.”
Talk about heaven. “That was work.”
“It was both,” Madeline says, taking the carnelian from me and wrapping it in bubble wrap. “Look at this.” With a waggle of her brows, she tilts her head toward the order we are packing. “This girl has loving on her mind, for sure. Carnelian flame, four fire agate tumbles, a dozen double term quartz points, shiva lingams, rose quartz…”
She’s right. That’s a spell for love and lust if ever I saw one.
“The girl knows what she wants,” I reply with a shrug. The customer probably doesn’t have a sister nagging at her to button up, rather than let loose.
“Exactly.” Madeline scrunches up her face and pretends to be afraid to touch the order. “Might be contagious.”
I laugh. “If only.”
I love nothing more than teasing Madeline. Her scowl makes every situation that much more fun. She’s always been the responsible one, the one who zaps all of the fun from the room.
I snatch up a bit of bubble wrap and give it a nice pop in her face.
“Sera!” She goes immediately indignant, her pretty face twisting in a scowl.
“What? That’s why we need to go to the bar tonight. So that I won’t be copying this girl’s MO.” But maybe that is what I need, too. Crystals to get the mojo going.Words with intent could change lives, create miracles even, especially from a powerful spellcaster. I’ve seen it done.
I can do it, too, if I want.
Madeline settles serious green eyes on me, eyes we share in color. “You know you really shouldn’t mess with those things. Let Fate have its way.”
“Fate is too slow. Let’s go make our own magic.” I grin. “Besides, blowing off a little steam will be good for you after–”
I quickly cut myself off and hurry to cover up what she probably suspects I’m going to say. “After our trip,” I clarify. “We both worked too hard. What do you say?”
Madeline doesn’t meet my gaze, and I know she heard the unspoken ‘after your breakup’ part of that thought.
She heaves a sigh like she’s about to do me the world’s biggest favor. “Okay, but after we get these orders done.”
I hug her to my side. “You won’t regret it.”
She goes back to wrapping the quartz points. “Should I place my bet now that I will probably regret this or should I wait?”
I laugh, happy she’ll be joining me and taking her mind off things. And thankful I’ll get a chance to put auras and spells and magic aside for one night and just be me.
I let go of my sister with a wink. “We might regret it, but I’ll make sure it’s at least not until morning.”
Iglance at my watch. Still a few minutes until the first drinks will be poured at Vinny’s.
Friday nights mean a time to enjoy being young and single, when I can cast off the responsibility of being the leader of my pack.My good friend, Quincy, and my younger brother and beta, Rico, are meeting me at the bar tonight to be my wingmen and soak in the night life, away from any worries, at least for a few hours.
I’ll take whatever I can get at this point.
As the three of us stroll down the busy city sidewalk, I slow my steps when we come up to one of the more curious spots in town. I’d never be caught dead in this sort of place, but it still intrigues me. In the window rests a black cat curled up, sleeping next to an array of sparkling crystals and gemstones.