Page 20 of Monster's Mistake
I look around,trying to work out why Meic has had me meet him on the top floor of the astronomy tower. I’m not even sure if we’re allowed to be here this late at night, and certainly not alone.
Footsteps sound behind me and I turn around to find Meic entering the room. He smiles, his whole face lighting up in a way I didn’t think would be possible for ghouls.
“Hey,” he says.
“You look amazing,” he says, his gaze lingering slightly as he takes me in.
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” I respond. He’s done something to his hair that makes it seem even shinier and curlier than normal, drawing attention to the proud horns that twist up through it. I never thought I was into horns before I met him, but seeing them on him makes me want to touch them.
“Shall we?” he asks, gesturing over to the corner of the room where there’s nothing but a boring expanse of brick.
“We shall, though that’s just a wall.”
“Ah, but don’t you know that Blackthorn Academy is full of secrets by now?” He heads over to the wall and counts along the bricks. He presses one inwards and the wall disappears almost instantly.
“I have no idea how to spot any of these places.” Though I’ve always wondered how the other students manage to find them. Maybe the secrets are just passed from one person to another.
“I was told where it was,” he responds. “And now we’re going to take advantage of it. We’ll be away from prying eyes and we can have our date in peace.”
“You’re lucky I know you’re not going to try and murder me or something.”
An uncomfortable expression crosses his face. “If you’d rather go somewhere else...”
“No,” I cut him off before he can finish his suggestion, regretting the joke just from the way it made him panic slightly. I shouldn’t forget that he’s already admitted to being nervous about our situation. “Lead the way.”
He steps through the gap in the wall and pulls out his phone so he can use it as a torch. My intrigue grows as I follow him through a small tunnel.
We arrive in a cosy-looking room with several blankets and pillows scattered around, as well as a basket sitting on a low table. But that’s not what catches my attention.
“Why is there a line down the middle of the room?” I ask.
Meic chuckles, seeming a little more nervous than I expect him to. “Well, you said you didn’t like it when people touched you.”
“Yes, but I’m not sure what that has to do with a line across the floor,” I say.
It’s hard to read his expression, but he seems more nervous than ever.
He sighs. “I wanted to give us an easy way for you to make the decision that it’s okay for me to touch you,” he explains. “So if you stay on your side of the line, then I know it’s not okay. If you cross onto my side of the line, then I know it’s okay.”
I blink a few times while his words sink in. “Meic...” My voice cracks as I say his name. Despite my normal aversion, there’s a part of me that wants to go touch himnow, though I’m not quite ready for everything that’s going to mean for us.
“It’s weird, I’m sorry.”
“No. I mean, yes, it is a bit weird. But it’s also really thoughtful.” So much more so than I’d previously given him credit for. Which is unfair to him when he’s clearly trying hard to make sure I’m comfortable with all of this. “Thank you.”
He beams, his teeth flashing in the flickering lights around us. “I hope it works.”
“It will. So did you have a side of the line in mind?” I ask.
“This one.” He gestures to the left.