Page 19 of Monster's Mistake
That if they get too close to someone, they could risk turning them into stone.
I keep that to myself. I don’t want her to be scared of me accidentally doing that to her considering how much time we spend together.
“Well, they’re always there. I always end up worrying if someone is actually going to want to kiss me because of them.And I know it’s not a huge thing, but would you want snakes down there?” I gesture down my body to accentuate my point.
“Wait, are you saying...”
“What? No.” A blush rises to my cheeks. “They’re just on my head, thankfully.”
“Oh, you mean if you’re going down on someone.” A pensive expression crosses her face. “Have your snakes ever attacked anyone?”
“Then I guess what are the chances they’ll do it for the first time when you’re with someone? And if that person doesn’t trust you, then that’s their problem. Your snakes are part of you, they’re not going anywhere.”
I don’t know if Frank is agreeing with her, or if he’s expressing his displeasure at the direction of my thoughts.
“Maybe I should take a potion to put them to sleep,” I muse.
This time, Frank’s hiss is one of alarm, making Anja laugh in response. I’m impressed by how well she’s gotten to know my snakes’ hisses.
“Is that possible?” she asks.
“Yes. I have one made up already. I just don’t like using it because I worry that it’ll hurt the snakes.” Should I drink some for my date with Meic? It’ll certainly make it easier if I decide I want to kiss him. But at the same time, I do worry about the impact on the snakes.
“I think that’s up to you.”
I sigh. “I’m overthinking it all, aren’t I?”
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Anja responds. “You’re nervous and this is an important date. And none of it seems to be nerves about Meic.”
“No, I guess not,” I admit. “I think I feel good about that part.”
“Then you have your answer about a lot of it. And if there’s something that’s worrying you, like the snakes, then talk to him about it. If he refuses to have an adult conversation, then you know all you need to about the situation.”
“That’s actually good advice,” I muse.
“Mmm, and it’s probably good. I haven’t had any premonitions of Meic dying.”
I snort. “Is that even how your magic works?”
“Not as far as I know, but it felt fun to say it,” she responds.
I take a deep breath. “Okay, so time to get ready for the date.” The excitement starts to rise within me to overtake the nerves, which makes me feel a little better about the whole thing, snakes or no snakes.
“It’s going to go great,” Anja assures me. “And if it doesn’t, you can message me and I’ll come up with a reason you have to come back here.”
“I’m going to hold you to that,” I say. “I’m only in this position because of your boyfriend.”
Anja snorts. “Hardly. If fate’s involved, it would have found another way to bring the two of you together, with or without Cethin and Meic being friends. Maybe it would even have been the other way around and I’d now be blaming you for my date with Cethin.”
I laugh despite myself. “Now wouldn’t that be something?” Though we both know there was very little resistance to Anja getting together with Cethin, I’m sure they wouldn’t have needed my help at all.
But that’s beside the point because they’re together and I’m about to head out on my first date with my fated mate.
I just have to hope this isn’t going to turn out to be a mistake.