Page 39 of Brutal Reign
“No, I saidthiswasn’t worth it,” I seethe. “The petty bullshit, the sniping back and forth and getting all worked up over something that was never going to happen because we had a fucking deal. We knew it’d end like this, that’s why we made that pact in the first place, right? But I guess the fucking joke’s on me.”
“Youkiss her, then!” Seb hisses, grabbing for the strap of my bag as I lift it up to sling over my shoulder.
I stiffen, my brain taking a few seconds to turn over his words. “What?”
“Kiss her,” Seb repeats, staring into my eyes. “That’s the only way we’ll be square. Do it, and then we can go back to the way things were and pretend that none of this ever fucking happened.”
I snort a wry laugh, rolling my eyes as I yank my duffel out of his grasp. “You’re a prick, you know that?” I mutter under my breath.
“I’m serious,” he says, ripping my bag out of my hands.
I lift my gaze to his again, searching his eyes. “You really want me to kiss her,” I reply slowly.
“Yeah,” he agrees, head bobbing up and down in a frantic nod.
I swear this guy is his own worst enemy. There’s no way he actually wants this, but Seb’s so goddamn emotionally stunted that he’d rather be a miserable asshole than admit he cares. Either that, or he thinks I’ll just bow out and let him have her.There isn’t much I wouldn’t do for Seb, but that’s the one thing I won’t do.I can’t,and he fucking knows it.
I fold my arms across my chest, staring back at him for a long moment while silently daring him to change his mind. He’s right, though– I’ll always resent him for this unless we even the score.
He had a taste of forbidden fruit, so why shouldn’t I?
“You know what?” I bite out, cocking my head. “Fine.”
I swear I see him flinch, but I don’t let that stop me. He’s made his fucking bed, and now he gets to lie in it. Slamming my shoulder into his, I barge past my best friend, stalking across the barracks to settle this once and for all.
River’s standing beside her bunk, leaning a hip against the frame while chatting with Hayden. I can’t hear what they’re saying over the sound of my blood pumping in my ears, my heart pounding harder with each step I take in her direction.
Fuck, she’s beautiful. I never allow myself to think that, never let myself notice how good she looks or smells because it feels like a betrayal of the worst kind. Even now, letting those thoughts in feels like the first steps of a swift descent into madness.
I step in front of River, her hazel eyes snapping up to meet mine as I invade her space, popping wide when my tattooed hand wraps around her delicate throat.
“Ace,” she breathes as I reach my thumb up to sweep over her plump lower lip. “What are you…?”
I lean down, crushing my lips against hers in answer and swallowing her little gasp of surprise. Sparks ignite between our skin, setting off a chain reaction that has her body melting against mine, her lips parting as our mouths fuse together.
I’ve always wondered what it would be like to kiss River Jacobsen. I almost did once, and I’ve been kicking myself for pussying out every day since. Because I knew how Seb felt abouther, and I knew what would happen if I gave into temptation.This.
Every nerve ending in my body comes to life as River opens for me, my tongue sweeping into her mouth, unbidden. Her head tilts, my fingers flexing around the column of her neck as I delve deeper, tasting and claiming my greatest desire. For once in my life, I don’t hesitate. I take exactly what I want, owning every second of this kiss like it’s the last thing I’ll do.
It takes everything in me to stop once I’ve started, dragging her lower lip between my teeth as I pull back and relinquishing my grip on her throat. River’s eyes pop open, her lashes fluttering as she blinks up at me in breathless confusion.
I slowly turn my head, meeting Seb’s glare from across the barracks. His shoulders are bunched tight, fists clenched at his sides as I lift a finger, pointing it in his direction.
“That’s what I thought,” I growl loud enough for him to hear, turning on a heel and storming for the exit.
What. The actual.Fuck.
My heart is pounding, my mind struggling to process what the hell just happened as Ace storms out of the barracks, leaving me blinking after him in a daze.
He kissed me.
It was confusing enough for Seb to lay one on me after the race to Pine Mountain, but now Ace, too?
What the hell are these boys playing at?!
Even after the initial shock starts to wear off, I’m still left reeling, barely able to form a single coherent thought.Is everyone staring?It sure feels like they are.