Page 20 of Boss Daddy's Girl
"And what?" I ask, genuinely curious.
He just shakes his head. "I don’t fucking know, Ellie, but you look beautiful tonight."
That is the last thing I expect him to say. Stunned, I look down at my dress and smooth out the fabric, blushing. "T-thanks?"
"Please tell me" —he comes forward, closing the space between us— "that you didn't wear it for that fucking asshole Claude."
Before I can think better of it, the truth falls from my lips. "I wore it because I wanted to make you jealous."
Drake's nostrils flare, his pupils dilating. His hand is on my face, pushing back to run his fingers through my curls before cupping the back of my head. "Then I guess it worked," he breathes, "because I am."
I'm breathing fast, like a rabbit running from a wolf. I know he's going to kiss me, but the need for his lips on mine becomes even more urgent when I spot Claude over Drake's shoulder in the distance, clearly looking for me.
Thinking back to when he kissed me to avoid his stalker, I take a page out of Drake’s book. "Turnabout is fair play," I breathe, running my hands down his firm chest before grabbing two handfuls of his shirt. "Kiss me."
I've never seen Drake look so thrown off. There's a flicker of confusion, a hint of amusement, and then his hand tightens on my head and he slams his lips against mine.
It's like a dream. In that first second, he's just holding his lips against mine, the feeling of his warm, firm mouth on mine so achingly familiar. Then his tongue presses against the seam of my lips, demanding entrance. I gasp in surprise, and he's in.
Drake kisses me like he's starving for it, like he needs this more than he needs air. His fingers tangle in my hair, pulling me closer to him, and every hard line of his body presses into mine. He groans, and the sound makes me weak in the knees. He pulls away just long enough to catch a breath, and then he kisses me again, biting my lip.
I moan as his hips press into mine, feeling how hard he is. One of his hands trails down to cup my ass; the other grips my hiphard. I'm dizzy with it all, with his scent, his taste, the way he feels, and I have to pull away to catch my breath. He stares at me, his pupils dilated, his chest rising and falling. I want him. I want him so much.
I only come back to reality when I hear a scoff from behind us and look over Drake's shoulder once again to see Claude storming off. Drake turns to see what has caught my attention, and when he turns back to me, his smile is vicious and victorious all at the same time.
"You, sweet Ellie," —his grip on my hip tightens, pulling me more firmly against him— "drive me so crazy that I don't even care you just used me to get rid of that asshole." He leans in, nose brushing against my wild hair as he whispers, "Do you want to do it again, just for good measure?"
All I can manage is a squeak, but Drake reads my unspoken agreement in the sound and kisses me again just like I want. It's only when someone passes by us and clears their throat that the two of us separate long enough to collect our thoughts.
"I wasn't using you," I clarify, looking up at him, needing him to know he's so much more to me than just a distraction. "I mean, I guess I was trying to get Claude to leave. But I wanted to kiss you anyway."
"Ah, then this isn't just a ruse to get me to forget that I'm angry with you?" He's teasing, but there's a note of seriousness in his voice. Drake isn't going to forget that I manipulated the schedule just to come to this showing.
"It would be an added bonus, I guess." I try to smile and joke with him, but he still stares down at me like he's not sure if I'm being honest.
Drake runs his thumb across my lip, and the motion is so intimate that I almost lean in to kiss him again. "You haven't messed up once in the time I've known you. I just want you to be more careful."
I'm not sure how to respond to that. He's trying to be kind, I can see it in his eyes, but the last thing I want is for him to think that I can't take care of myself. I want him to see me as strong and smart and capable. I want him to see me as an equal.
"I don't want you to think I'm not careful. I am." I bite my lip, hesitating for just a moment before I tell him something that I've never told anyone before. "I didn’t drink, so don’t worry. I don't drink much in public because my father was an alcoholic. He's a mean drunk, and I don't want to be like him. I don't want to be like anyone in my family."
Drake's face softens even more, and he leans down, kissing my forehead. "You're not anything like them. I promise. You're strong and kind and clever. You're everything."
The words make me blush, and I look down, still not used to compliments from this man who usually seems so gruff.
"Ms. White," he rumbles, "would you like me to take you upstairs and finish what we started last night?"
My entire body feels flushed with heat, and I inhale, nodding slowly. He chuckles, and I wonder if I'm playing into his ego by letting him think he has the upper hand here.
It doesn't matter because Drake wraps his arm around my waist and leads me toward the elevators, his pace quick as if he's afraid I'll change my mind. I know I won't. I'm not sure I ever could.
Iwant her so damned bad, this siren sent to test my restraint and drive me wild. She's perfect and soft and sexy, and every moment we're not kissing is a waste of time.
I keep my arm around her waist as we head upstairs, and the anticipation of what is about to happen is the sweetest torture.