Page 19 of Boss Daddy's Girl
He's still in his climbing clothes from the demo, loose shorts showing off his perfectly defined legs and tight white shirt bearing the Dragon Ascent logo, leaving little to the imagination.
If he weren't obviously pissed beyond measure, I'd take my time to enjoy the view.
As it stands, I can tell he's already about to explode. His green eyes are lit up with anger, his hands clenched into fists on the armrests of his chair.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Drake growls out, and I quickly look around to see if anyone is paying attention to us.
A few people have turn, curious, but no one seems to notice who Drake is. He's holding himself loosely, but his face tells me that's all an act. There's nothing casual about Drake right now. He's seconds from igniting.
I've never seen him so angry. All over me.
"I-I got an invite?—"
"And you came?" Drake hisses. "I told you no. I told you I didn't want you alone with Claude, and you lied to me, Ellie."
"It's not like that," I whisper, trying to keep my voice down, even though I'm getting mad too. "I never lied to you. I asked, and you said no, and that was that. I didn't think it was your decision to make."
"When it comes to you, it is," Drake snaps back, eyes flashing. "You're mine. Mine, Ellie. You're my responsibility, and you’re here alone with that asshole when I specifically told you to stay away."
"You're not my dad, Drake," I spit, crossing my arms over my chest. "I don't need a babysitter, I'm an adult. And I'm not going to let you dictate my life. We're at a conference, we have things to do, and I thought this would be a good networking opportunity for me."
"For you?" Drake scoffs. "If you wanted a networking opportunity, you should have told me. I would have made it happen. Why would you choose to spend time with him instead of me?"
His words are laced with hurt, and I feel a twinge of guilt. "It's not that," I say quietly. "I just..."
Both of us go silent when another figure hovers over us—Claude returning to find Drake in his seat.
"What is going on here?" Claude demands, placing a hand on my shoulder. I immediately shrug him off, but Drake has already seen the movement. His eyes flash.
"You two seem to have gotten to know one another," he growls.
Claude gives Drake a look, obviously annoyed. "She is my guest here tonight."
My boss stands, taking advantage of his height next to Claude. "The fuck she is," he says, his voice low and dangerous.
No one is paying attention to the movie anymore, not that I can blame them. There is a furious energy passing between Claude and Drake, and I want to be anywhere but in the middle of it.
With the two men a breath away from fighting and fixated totally on one another, I slip behind them and run up the aisle.
As soon as I burst into the bright light outside the theater, I let a breath of relief escape. I didn't think this would go down like this. I knew Drake would be pissed about me coming, but I never would have thought he'd come to find me … never thought he would care so much.
I shake my head and make my way out to the lobby of the conference center, but before I can go anywhere, a hand grabs my arm from behind—not tightly, but just enough to stop me in my tracks. Just from the touch alone and the buzz that shoots through me from it, I know it's Drake.
Slowly, I turn, and Drake is even more delicious looking out here in the light. There's still a sheen of sweat on his skin from theclimbing demo, and the animalistic part of my brain wants to lick it off him.
Focus, Ellie. Focus.
To my surprise, when I meet his eyes, he isn't nearly as angry. Instead, there is a possessiveness that is totally new to Drake. And here I thought I've seen every emotion this man can possibly feel.
"That was quite the scene, Drake." I finally break the silence stretching between us.
Drake doesn't say anything for a moment. "Come on," he says finally, and my heart skips a beat. Is he taking me back to the room? Before I can answer, he takes my hand and pulls me to the side of the lobby, where we are alone.
"Are you okay?" he asks gruffly.
I blink, taken off guard. I expected a reprimand, but this…? "Of course I'm okay," I reply. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Because Claude is a fucking prick, and…" His voice trails off. He looks confused, like he can't decide what he is feeling right now.