Page 6 of Daddy's Sinful Baby Girl
He’d always been a sucker for a redhead, and it looked like one had fallen into his lap. He wished they had met under better circumstances, but he didn’t care. She was alive, and he was there to take care of her.
He knew he had no information on her and that she might already be in a relationship or didn’t want to be in one at all, but he wasn’t going to lose this opportunity.
The door opened, and the doctor walked in, followed by a nurse who carried a large bowl, soap, and some clothes.
The nurse set everything down on the rolling table. “If you need anything, push the button.”
“I will. Thank you.”
Simon’s attention went to the doctor who was reading herchart. “How was the scan?”
“It looked good. She’s a very lucky woman. I heard she was pushed off the side of the road and went down the cliff until something stopped her car.”
“Yes. Unfortunately. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A drunk was on the Carmicheal Road and hit her.”
“Damn drunks. I hope they put him away,” the doctor said.
“It seems likely.”
“My name is Dr. Reynolds, but call me Daniel.”
Simon reached out and shook the man’s hand. “I’m Simon Barnes, and this is Casey.”
“We need some information on her. They haven’t brought her things in. But since you are here, you can fill out the paperwork.”
Simon nodded. “Have the nurses bring them in, and I’ll take care of that.”
“So, I was sayingthe scan looked good, and her injuries are superficial. She had about eighty stitches put in at the ER, and they gave her blood because of what she’d lost. I expect her to be better in a few days. I’ll want her back in ten to get the stitches out.”
“I’ve got a friend who’s a medic that can do it,” Simon said.
“That’s fine. I’m sure you know that if there is any swelling or redness, you’ll need to bring her right back.”
“Yes. I used to be a cop, so I’ve seen plenty of wounds.”
Daniel chuckled. “I bet. The IVs are saline and antibiotics. If she starts getting uncomfortable, have a nurse give her pain meds.”
“I’ll watch her.”
Daniel set the chart on the end of the bed and pulled the blanket down. The gown she had on was tied in three places infront, so her wounds would be easy to get at.
Simon flinched at the cuts all over her arms and torso—some shallow with bandages and the others deep with stitches. The black thread looked obscene against her fair skin.
“I’ll be back to check on her tomorrow, but there will be a doctor here all night.”
“Thank you, Daniel.”
The doctor shook his hand and grinned. “You’re welcome. Take care of yourwife.”
Simon grinned as the door closed behind the doctor, but he could still hear his laughter. He figured Daniel knew she wasn’t his wife but wasn’t going to say anything. He was a good man.
Chapter Three
Simon took his time washing Casey. He started with her hair, which was hard to do. It took some time to get the soap out of it. The rest went quicker, and he was pleased by how clean he got her. It took a dozen bowls of hot water, but he wasn’t going to stop until he was satisfied. A nurse helped change the sheet and blanket and gave him another gown to put her in.
Casey was just waking up when the nurse walked out.
Simon sat down on the bed, facing her with one of his hands braced on the other side of her hips. “There she is.”