Page 5 of Daddy's Sinful Baby Girl
It had been the best decision of his life. The business flourished quickly, and they had to keep hiring people because it kept growing.
He watched as one nurse tried to wash off as much of the blood as she could while another kept an eye on her monitors while the doctor sewed up her many cuts. The one on her head had bled the most but wasn’t the most severe. The few on her chest were the deepest. Still, he was thankful she didn’t have any broken bones or internal injuries. They would take her up for a full scan when the doctor finished and then bring her to her room.
They covered her with a blanket and wheeled her to the elevator.
“Sir, you can go to her room, and we’ll be there shortly,” a nurse said.
He nodded, stood back, and watched the doors close. He couldn’t define the feeling of loss at the moment. She was still alive and was going to make it, but not being able to touch her made him angry.
He took the stairs to her floor and walked into her room. Fortunately, it was a private room. If it hadn’t been, he wouldhave changed it. At the window, he stared out at the stars and called his partner.
“Hey,” Trent answered.
“Hey.” Simon went through everything that happened.
“Jesus. I fucking hate drunk and distracted drivers,” Trent said.
Simon agreed. Those people on their phones should pay more attention to the road. “I’m going to stay here with her. She’s not from around here and doesn’t have anyone close.”
“I’m glad you’re there. Stay as long as you need to. Do you want me to bring you a bag of your things so you can change?”
Simon looked down at himself and noticed her blood was all over him, especially his hands. “Yeah. Do that. I’m not going to want to leave her,” Simon said.
“She sounds like she’s gotten to you?” Trent said.
“When you see her, you’ll understand. She’s also one of the sweetest women I’ve ever met. She was sitting in her car on the edge of a cliff and told me to stand back because she didn’t want me to fall.”
“Fuck. I can’t wait to meet her. I’ll see you soon.”
Simon stuck his phone in his pocket and walked into the bathroom to wash off as much blood as he could.
It wasn’t long before the door opened, and two orderlies and a nurse walked in with Casey on the gurney. She looked so small and defenseless that he became even more protective of her.
“Are you the husband?” the nurse asked.
Without thinking, he nodded. “Yes.”
“The doctor will be right in to talk to you,” she said.
Simon watched as the orderlies gently transferred her to the bed. The nurse made sure she was covered and then set up her IV stand. When the monitor came on, and he heard the quiet rhythm of her heart, he relaxed. She was going to be okay.
He walked closer to the bed. “How long will she be out?”
“Maybe another hour. Although I heard she was a lightweight. It might be a bit longer,” the nurse said and grinned. “We don’t see many people besides children that instantly go to sleep when sedated.”
That didn’t surprise Simon. “Could I wash her off? I want her as comfortable as possible.”
“Sure. I’ll have someone bring you in the supplies.”
“Thank you. I’ll change the blankets when I’m finished.”
The nurse nodded. “Those will be brought in, too. If you need any help, just push the button.”
“Thank you.”
The nurse walked out, leaving him alone with Casey. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. They’d cleaned enough of the blood off her face for him to see how delicate her features were and how pretty she was.
She was a tiny little thing. Easily a foot shorter than him. What caught his attention the most was the dark auburn hair. It was showing a lot of curls, and the length was probably down to the middle of her back.