Page 33 of Daddy's Sinful Baby Girl
She started walking away from the house, and the closer she got to Simon, the faster she went. A few feet from him, she started running and jumped into his arms, tucking her face into his neck. They both ignored the way her aunt screamed about sinful behavior and then the door slamming.
Damn, he was glad he came. The thought of this sweet girl staying with the old witch made his teeth snap together, and then his jaw tightened until the muscle on the side pulsed. He needed to cool it because the last thing he wanted was to scare his girl. He held her for a long time and let her cry it out.
When she started sniffing, she raised her head. “Why are you here?”
“Well, it seems my little girl thought I didn’t want her, which is so far from the truth. I panicked when I was told a group of you littles took off in a car. Since you were with them, I guessed it had to do with you. Kaleb got in touch with me. His Aleena wears a necklace she is forbidden to take off. It alerts him when she goes too far from him. When he checked her location, he called the other daddies and me.”
He inhaled, trying to forget his panic when he couldn’t see her. He was seconds away from walking up to the house and getting his girl. When she opened it, and he heard the witch call her a sinful slut, he wanted to give her a piece of his mind but left it alone. There was nothing sinful about their desire and love for each other.
“We drove here in three cars. We probably scared the neighbors when three big black SUVs stopped behind the girls’ car. We all got out, which made the situation worse because we were all big men. They headed for the car and scared the girls, making them scream. When they were pulled from the car, they were all in a panic and talking or crying. The daddies took theirlittles, and they left this vehicle and took the others back. One of the couples drove the car. Hell, I’m shocked the sheriff didn’t show up.” He chuckled.
She rested her head on his chest but looked at him. “I’m sorry. I thought you didn’t want me, and I didn’t want you to feel bad about telling me to go. Or the thought of you having me with you and secretly hating it broke my heart.”
“Let’s get in the car before we burst into flames. From the look in your aunt’s eyes, I’d say she could do it.”
He opened the passenger-side door, buckled her in, and closed the door. He turned to her aunt, smiled, and waved, and then he heard a horrible screeching sound that came from the house. He got in the vehicle, took her hand, and they drove off. He wanted them as far away from that woman as possible.
“So, she seems pleasant,” he said and grinned.
Casey’s head snapped his way, and the look of horror on her face made him laugh. She relaxed and smiled.
“We’ve got a lot to talk about, but the one thing I can’t wait for is that you think I don’t find you attractive or want you sexually. Baby, I’m finding an overwhelming need to be inside of you. I’ve had to hold myself back. I couldn’t even kiss you the way I wanted because I knew I’d lose control.”
“Why are you waiting to … you know?” she asked.
“Sex,” he said to help her.
Damn, her blushing did something to him. It made him feel even more protective of her. “I want to wait until the stitches come out. I wanted to make sure you were one hundred percent healed for what I have in mind.”
She turned toward him with a bright, desire-filled look in her eyes. “Really?”
Her enthusiasm made his cock jerk. He’d been trying hard to keep from getting an erection, but it was next to impossible. He’d been semi-hard since he met her. She didn’thave to do anything but breathe, and it aroused him.
He was pathetic, but from what he heard from the other daddies, it was normal. The feelings daddies and littles had for each other were deeper than a normal relationship, and very rarely did a dd/lg couple break apart. It was the same for a dom/sub relationship.
“Yes, Baby. I want you to get ready because when we get home from the doctor, and he gives us the okay, I’ll have you stripped and my mouth enjoying your sweet cunt juice.”
He cursed under his breath when he saw the rosy tint to her skin from the heated, elevated passion he caught in her eyes.
“When are we going to the doctor’s?” she asked.
“Right now.”
Simon pulled into the parking lot of Alex and Raina’s house. Alex, the doctor and a fellow daddy, had his private practice in the back. Simon had yet to see the place, but he’d heard a lot of good things about it. It was getting so popular that Alex was thinking about hiring either another doctor or a physician assistant, which was one step below a doctor.
He parked in the back, which was reserved for his patients. Simon liked the fact that the place was private.
“Let’s go, Baby,” Simon said as he unbuckled her seat belt.
“Can I take Booboo with me?”
“Of course,” Simon said. He took her hand and led her to the door of the clinic.
“May I help you?” an older woman said from behind the counter.
“Yes, we have an appointment with the doctor,” Simon said. “Simon Barnes and Casey Reid.” He squeezed Casey’s hand when she started shaking.
“Have a seat, and the doctor will be right with you.”