Page 3 of Carver
“Where’s your escort now?” Blink asked, cocking his head to the side the slightest bit.
I licked my dry lips. “I snuck out,” I said quietly. I swallowed vomit as I realized just how bad this looked. “I’m sure they’re looking for me.” A shudder raced through my body at the thought of being caught. I didn’t know which was the lesser of two evils—my dad or the two men in front of me.
Dad kept me on a tight leash, threatening to turn me into a club girl if I didn’t keep my head down and my mouth shut. He was quick with his fists, but I also thought dealing with him was better than being used as nothing more than a hole for the club men to fill.
“Let’s strike a deal,” Blink said, dropping his cigarette to the concrete floor and stubbing it out with the toe of his boot.
“A deal?” I asked quietly, not sure if that would be a good or bad thing. Trepidation flooded my veins, and it felt like my gut was going to shred itself.
“Yes, a deal,” Blink said, sounding annoyed at having to repeat himself. I flinched. “Tell me what you know, Jennifer, and we won’t hurt you.” He pushed a hand into his pocket. “You have my word.”
I swallowed thickly. “And your word can be trusted?”
He shrugged one shoulder. “Carver will tell you yes, but that’s for you to decide for yourself.” He grabbed a chair by the wall and dragged it in front of me before spinning it around so he could straddle the back of it and rest his arms at the top. He rolled his hand. “Start talking.”
I drew in a deep breath, looking at Carver. He was leaning against the wall, smoking his own cigarette now, watching us with empty, cold eyes that sent a spark of fear down my spine. Quickly, I averted my gaze, focusing back on Blink. He was just as scary looking, but at least his eyes weren’t empty. Void of emotion.
There was a piece of humanity lacking in Carver’s eyes.
“My dad is angry that Brian is giving you all the business after years of working with the Chaos Destroyers,” I confessed. “And he plans to take you out by any means necessary.Allof you,” I added. “That’s all I know. I don’t know any plans. I only know about Lindsey because they’re aggravated they don’t have a confirmed kill for her.”
“Were you here to try to get on his good side?” Carver asked.
I shook my head. “No!” I snapped a little too harshly, wincing when he cast me an icy glare that made the blood freeze in my veins. “Sorry,” I said quietly. “No. I really was worried. She’s innocent in all of this. Her only affiliation is through Blink. Should she have to die just because she’s in love with an outlaw? Because I don’t think so.”
Blink looked at Carver, and like familiar friends—like brothers—they exchanged a whole conversation without saying a word. Blink suddenly stood and nodded once at Carver before looking at me. “I’ll decide what to do with you in a bit. But you have my word. We will not harm you.”
With that, they left the basement, the light turning off again.
They wouldn’t hurt me… but did they mean they would let someone else?
A tear tracked down my cheek.
I should’ve just minded my own fucking business and stayed home.
Blink cleared his throat once we were all seated at the table in the chapel, drawing our eyes to him. “The girl doesn’t know anything. That much was clear when she was talking. As terrified as she is, she’d spill anything if she thinks it’ll save her life.”
“Well, what the fuck now?” Grit grunted, leaning back in his chair and scratching at his beard, his expression filled with agitation. “We can’t do shit with that.”
“We know the Lockheart MC is looking to take us all out, and they want a confirmed kill on Lindsey,” I spoke up.
Carter scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Like fuck are they getting either of those.” He lifted his beer to his lips, his fingers stained with grease from working on a busted-ass truck he bought to fix up.
“She’s afraid,” I said, looking at Blink. He nodded in agreement. “Her old man’s got her spooked. She looks like an imprisoned bird that just escaped for the first time.”
“And you’re telling me that instead of running, she came here to enemy territory, where she could be killed, to check if Lindsey was okay?” Carter shook his head, pursing his lips. “I don’t know whether that makes her brave or stupid.”
“Probably a mix of both, to be honest,” I admitted. Grit snorted.
“I’m not comfortable sending her back,” Blink admitted. “Derrick Lockheart is gonna wanna know where the fuck she went, and that girl is a shit fuckin’ liar.” He wasn’t wrong. “And even if I did want to get her the hell out of here, Lindsey would have me sleeping down here on the couch for a week if I did.”
Yeah… she would. She had Blink by the fucking balls. Hell, that woman had mad respect from all of us, and we loved her. She was sweet and had the kindest fucking soul I’d ever come across. Hell knew why she wanted to shack up with a bunch of rough-around-the-edges outlaws, but she did. And she was in love with one of the worst of ‘em.
“What do you suggest we do with her then?” Grit asked. “Don’t want her running around up here with the rest of us. I don’t trust her yet. She might be a tiny little thing, but she’s obviously got a big fuckin’ mouth.”