Page 2 of Carver
“You came snooping around the wrong place, sweetheart,” I murmured in her ear right before I twisted her around, locking her in a headlock. She fought me, her nails clawing at my arms, her breaths becoming short and choppy as she panicked. I brushed a kiss to her temple, my cock pressing against the swell of her backside. “Go on to sleep.”
She continued fighting me as hard as she could, but her moves grew sloppy and weak as she slowly went under. When she slumped, I caught her limp body in my arms and tossed her over my shoulder before walking across the parking lot to my truck, depositing her in the backseat.
The woman was pretty and damn if I didn’t want to sink my cock into her, but family came first. And after what had happened to Lindsey, we weren’t taking any chances. That accident had almost killed her, and while we knew a rival club was involved, we didn’t know who did it. Weallwanted answers.
And Blink—our president?
He wantedrevenge.
If this woman knew something, I planned to find out.
And I didn’t give a fuck if I had to torture her to get the answers I needed.
My eyes snapped open when cool air washed over my skin, my heart jack hammering in my chest. The chair beneath me was hard and uncomfortable, and my wrists were bound by zip ties to the metal legs. My ankles were in no better shape.
My breath sawed from my lungs. Where the fuck was I? Why…
Oh, fuck.
Carver fucking Rogers. The Sergeant at Arms of the Savage Crows MC. They were a small crew of only four men, but I’d beenwarnednot to come near them, both by my father’s club and everyone in the SCMC’s little town. I should have quit while I was ahead.
But Lindsey…God, Lindsey.
My father, in a fit of rage that the Savage Crows were getting the business from the Chaos Destroyers MC he thought he’d earned fair and square, had targeted her. And I’d been drowning in worry and guilt, wondering if she was okay. If she wasalive. There’d been no word of her—almost like she disappeared from the face of the earth. Not a single soul knew if she was alive or dead.
What if he’d killed her? Had Carver taken me as retaliation? Had they figured out who I was and what my dad had done?
Panic clouded my vision and made me sick to my stomach. Swallowing bile, I wriggled against my restraints, terrified I was about to meet the same fate. Because that would be the next step, right? An eye for an eye? My dad killed the president’s old lady, so now, shouldn’t they want to do the same to me since I was the daughter of the president of the Lockheart MC?
But if I got free… what then? Dad would befuriousI’d snuck onto the Savage Crows’s territory, and fuck, I was not looking forward to what happened then. He’d treat me the same as the men here would, probably. Beat me black and blue. Treat me like a traitor.
I was just a woman trying to fucking survive. That wasit.
A door creaked open, and I peered through the darkness, trying to see where it was coming from. Lights suddenly flicked on overhead, and I winced, squeezing my eyes shut. Little balls of light danced behind my eyelids, and my heart rate kicked up to the point it hurt. At the sound of heavy footfalls, I peeked open an eye, letting it adjust before I opened both.
Immediately, I regretted doing so. I sank into my chair, wishing I could disappear into the floor.
Blink Parker—the President.
And Carver Rogers—the Sergeant at Arms.
“Jennifer Lockheart,” Blink drawled, his face emotionless, which was terrifying enough. “Wasn’t hard to figure out who you were, even without digging in your fucking pockets for your wallet. Does your dear old dad know you’re on my fucking territory?”
I swallowed thickly. “You… you know?” I croaked. I’d hoped with the lack of retaliation against my dad and the Lockheart MC, they hadn’t known. That maybe, just fucking maybe, I’d make it out of this unscathed.
“Just found out about thirty minutes ago,” Blink said as he pulled a cigarette out of the pack he pulled from his cut and lit one up. Smoke curled into the air, and the stench filled the air. “Brianjustcalled me to inform me he found out. Overheard your father’s VP talking about it when he met up with them for beers. Your crew made it all too easy for us, after all. Got big mouths and all. Just can’t help fucking running your traps.”
I wanted to throw up. My stomach twisted uncomfortably. “I didn’t—I don’t—” My lips trembled, and a tear ran down my cheek. “I came to see if she was okay,” I finally croaked. “That was it. I swear. I couldn’t live with the guilt anymore.”
Carver scoffed. “You really think we’re going to believe that?” he asked, arching a disbelieving brow at me. He pushed his fingers through his medium-length blonde hair, looking a bit amused. “Princess, you showed up in our territory asking at a bar we frequent a lot if the bartender knew where you could find Lindsey. It’s suspicious. You seem to know just a littletoomuch for my liking.”
I shook my head, my gaze pleading. “No. No, please. Please believe me,” I begged, tears streaking down my cheeks freely now. “I don’t know anything—only what I overhear. They talk a lot, and I usually never get to go anywhere without an escort anyway, so they never worry about me talking, and?—”