Page 49 of Sinclair Duet
“Straight to me, the same as when you’re elevated to director. Of course, also the members of the coalition. This will be a balancing act with the different pharmaceutical companies.”
“I’ll be honest. I’ve been concentrating on Sinclair” —the devilishly handsome CEO— “and I haven’t given the other six companies a lot of consideration.”
“This must be a partnership with all seven companies. According to Mr. Sinclair, the other CEOs know that you used towork for Sinclair. That’s in your favor as you have experience in the pharmaceutical industry. It won’t be all new to you.”
That does make me a good candidate.
I hadn’t looked at the position from that perspective.
“Do you want to discuss salary?” Millie asked.
Do I?
Am I truly considering this?
“We can discuss it,” I replied.
“The board has approved a thirty percent increase in your salary.” Before I could reply, because honestly, I was computing the numbers in my head, Millie went on. “I know that may not be enough to compensate for the increased workload, but the board needs evidence that our donors’ dollars are well spent.”
I nodded.
“Along with your salary, effective immediately, each quarter you will receive a variable payment in arrears. That way you benefit when Beta Kappa Phi benefits.”
“The gala exceeded our goal by over twenty-five percent. If I were to use that guideline, what kind of a variable payment are we talking?”
Millie inhaled. “Your income could easily climb to the high six figures or possibly seven. It’s difficult to predict. I don’t want to get your hopes up, but there is potential.”
I wanted to think that I wasn’t easily swayed by money. Then again, the increase would mean I could pay off my student loans, maybe get a more fuel-efficient car for the commute, and up my investments.
Millie went on, “This will be a shake-up at Beta Kappa Phi for a while. I’d waited to talk to you, but if you agree to take the new campaign manager position, I’ve decided to offer Rosemary your current position. She’s worked closely with you over the last two years. I’m hoping Mr. Sinclair will agree to a grace period where you’re also available to Rosemary for guidance.”
“That won’t be up to Mr. Sinclair,” I replied. “It’s up to you. I’ll still be working for you.”
She nodded. “I don’t want to put you in a difficult position.”
You already have.
“Last night,” I said, “he asked that if I accept the position, I begin working from Sinclair Corporate Center next Monday. Do you think that’s feasible?”
“Is that a yes?”
“Shit, yes,” I said, my smile growing. “I think it’s a yes.”
“I couldn’t be happier.”
For the next thirty-plus minutes we discussed the structure, our communication while working in different offices, and what goals she and the board had set.
Once we were both out of questions, Millie stood and offered me her hand. “I’ll inform Mr. Sinclair and the board. Ella, I know you can do this.”
Shaking her hand, I pressed my lips together. “Thank you for believing in me.”
“I do.” Our handshake ended and Millie said, “I’ll contact HR and get the ball rolling on the details.”
“Rosemary?” I asked.
“Once this is approved, I will go to her.”
“What about Niles?” I asked.