Page 48 of Sinclair Duet
Niles peered around the doorframe leading to my office. Today, his hair was down, the way I liked it, the tips curling toward his chin. “Are we still on for lunch?”
I looked up from the notes I’d been reading at my desk and lifted my fingertips to my temples. “Do people still take two-martini lunches?”
My friend flashed a smile. “If we can’t have a two-martini lunch, I’m game for drinks after work. I have two more nights of bachelorhood, and I’m not a fan.” His eyebrows rose. “Or are you having anothermeeting?” He used air quotes for the last word.
I shook my head. “My only meeting today is with Millie in a few minutes. I was just brushing up on some of the things Damien and I discussed.”
Niles’s eyebrows danced. “So, there was discussion?”
The clock on the bottom of my computer screen told me it was time to head to my boss’s office. Gathering my notes, I flashed Niles a grin. “Yes. We talked.”
He hummed. “I’m pretty sure lunch won’t be enough. We’ll need drinks after work for the full story.”
While I hadn’t been ready to discuss Damien with anyone before, maybe it would be nice to ask some advice from someone I trusted. I didn’t have time to give that much more thought as I made my way to Millie’s office. Pam’s desk was empty as I passed through the front office. Reaching Millie’s door, I knocked.
The door opened as Pam exited, a tablet in her hand. “Good morning, Ella.”
“Good morning. Is Millie expecting me?”
“She is,” Pam said with a smile.
I pushed the door open and stepped inside the executive office. It wasn’t half as nice as the office Johnathon had shown me at Sinclair Corporate Center.
“Ella,” Millie greeted from her desk. “Please have a seat.” Laying her hands on the desktop, she waited. Once I was seated, she proceeded. “You and Mr. Sinclair met again last night.”
It wasn’t a question, but I answered. “We continued discussing the campaign over dinner.”
“Did it go…well?”
Memories of Damien’s cum coating my stomach and breasts caused my cheeks to flush. “I told him,” I said, sitting taller, “the concept is truly a wonderful opportunity for Beta Kappa Phi.”
She let out a breath. “I’m so happy to hear you say that.”
“I also told him that due to the history the two of us share, I am probably not the right person for the position.”
Exhaling, Millie sat back against her chair. “What history? The fact you’ve worked together makes you the perfect candidate.”
My lips came together as I shook my head. Of course, Millie Barns wouldn’t know our personal history. I nevermentioned it, and graciously, Damien had given me a rousing recommendation.
“I quit Sinclair and came here.”
“He knows that. He also said that the two of you work well together. Do you not agree?”
Without answering, I moved the conversation forward. “If I agree to take on this new responsibility, what would it mean for me exactly with Beta Kappa Phi?”
She sat forward. “You’re still considering it?”
Remembering Damien’s advice from long ago, I replied, “I need all the information before I can make a decision.”
“Well,” she began enthusiastically, “first, the board has approved naming you campaign manager over the pharma coalition.” She grinned. “That’s the long and winded way to say this campaign would be your baby. At first, you would work alone. However, the board wants to reevaluate down the road. At that time, your position could and most likely would be elevated to program director of the pharma coalition. And if needed, additional staff would be allocated to handle the workload. This is a fluid endeavor and the board is willing to keep an open mind.”
I let out a long breath.
Director of my own division.
My forehead furrowed. “Who would I answer to as campaign manager?”