Page 131 of Sinclair Duet
Johnathon’s gaze came to me.
“Five minutes,” I said, stepping away from my desk.
Once the door closed, Amber smiled. “Only five minutes? Oh, Damien, I remember when you used to last longer.”
“Now that you’re stuck with an older version, I’d bet you’re hoping he can keep it up for five minutes.”
Amber sashayed closer, her breasts practically spilling from the V cut of her neckline. “About that.”
Lifting my hand, I silently told her to keep her distance. “What the fuck do you want?”
“Darius and I aren’t married.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “You lied.”
“We didn’t lie any more than you and Gabriella did. We had a ceremony. There was a problem with the license.”
“What problem?” I asked suspiciously.
“You can only be married to one person, and it seems you and I are still married.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
Aworkman was outside my office door when I arrived.
“Is there a problem?”
“Replacing your nameplate, Mrs. Sinclair.”
Fuck you, Damien. Your secret-keeping ability is the worst.
“Hold on to the one that says Crystal, just in case.”
“I hope you’re joking.”
I grinned. “It depends on the time of day.”
Opening the door, I went inside. My gaze naturally went to the large window behind my desk, the one that looked out over Indianapolis. I wasn’t high up in the skyline; nevertheless, the view was much better than the one I had at Beta Kappa Phi. Sitting behind my desk, I removed my phone from the drawer where I’d left it earlier in the day.
I had numerous missed text messages and calls, three from Niles, one from Millie, and one from my mother.
“Okay, Mom. You’re first.” I hit the icon, wondering how I would explain the last weekend. As she answered, I decided direct was best. “Hi, Mom. Is Dad around?”
“He’s not. He’ll be back soon. Is everything all right?”
“I suppose. I thought you should know; I got married this past weekend.”
Prolonged silence.
“Mom?” I questioned, wondering if our call was disconnected.
“Ella, I think I misunderstood you. You haven’t mentioned dating anyone.”
“Remember I told you about the campaign that I was roped into?”