Page 130 of Sinclair Duet
I smiled. “Reading their firearms experience and training had me concerned.”
“Because when you scream in the middle of the night, I don’t want one of them busting down our bedroom door.”
Ella scoffed. “There you go again, being so sure of yourself.”
“When it comes to making you scream, yes, Mrs. Sinclair, I am sure of myself.”
“What about the coalition?”
“Julia and Van know about our marriage. I told Van on the phone last night. I’ll call Julia this afternoon about what came up at the board meeting.”
“You told him last night. For the record, you suck at keeping secrets.”
I ran my palm over her round ass. “Oh, I can suck a lot more.”
She shook her head. “Okay. After I talk to my parents, I’ll spend the next few hours organizing what I learned over the weekend. If Julia thinks Niles would be a better choice, I want you to listen to her.”
“I’m not letting you work in Carmel.” I ran my hands up her back, splaying my fingers and tugging her against me. “I want you here.”
“You’ve got me. Remember, you must let me be me.”
She’d said she worried about vanishing.
“You’re not disappearing. I promise you.”
Ella lifted herself to her tiptoes as she brushed my lips with hers. “I think your idea for the bodyguards will work. I’ll see you later.”
I didn’t want to let her out of my arms, out of my sight. In a matter of days, I’d become completely addicted to Ella’s presence. She was a drug. Unlike what we manufactured here, she was the type of drug that revealed memories—memories of our time together—and desire, what we’d shared and what we had in store.
With each hit, I wanted more.
Reluctantly, I released my hold. As she walked away, I fantasized about removing her silk blouse and stripping her from the long gray slacks.
Ella peered over her shoulder. “Why do I feel like you’re looking at me naked?”
A smile broke out across my face. “Apparently, you can read minds.”
“Only yours.”
Once I was alone, I sat behind my desk and called the security company. The evaluation of our homes would occur tomorrow as would the employment of all four personnel. The person I spoke with offered to start with a month-long contract and we would reevaluate.
A knock on my door caused me to look up.
“Mr. Sinclair,” Johnathon said.
There was something odd about his expression. “Is everything all right?”
“Mrs. Sinclair is here to see you.”
“Ella doesn’t need you to announce her. Let her in.”
“No, sir.AmberSinclair.”
The muscles of my jaw grew tight as I stood. “I’m busy.”
Amber pushed her way past Johnathon and turned to him. “You may leave.”